扩展 secldap 的功能以验证多个数据源
2010-07-26 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网清单 8. 添加直通配置
Create an ldif file:
====ptaconfig.ldif Begins====
dn: cn=PassthroughServer1, cn=Passthrough Authentication, cn=Configuration
cn: PassthroughServer1
ibm-slapdPtaURL: ldap://
ibm-slapdPtaSubtree: cn=aixdata
ibm-slapdPtaAttrMapping: uid $ sAMAccountName
ibm-slapdPtaSearchBase: CN=Users,DC=tamesso,DC=com
ibm-slapdPtaBindDN: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=tamesso,DC=com
ibm-slapdPtabindPW: tivoli@123
objectclass: top
objectclass: ibm-slapdConfigEntry
objectclass: ibm-slapdPta
objectclass: ibm-slapdPtaExt
===ptaconfig.ldif Ends====
Command to enable pass-through authentication:
# idsldapmodify -D cn=root -w root -i <path for ptaconfig.ldif>
***Note :
1. With the configuration entry given in this listing, we are setting up Pass-through
Authentication for the subtree cn=aixdata. Any bind request arriving at the Tivoli
Directory Server server for the user under this subtree will be a candidate for PTA.
2. Pass-through Authentication will be performed at the server located at the
location ldap://
3. On the destination server, a search will be performed under the subtree
4. While binding to the PTA server, Tivoli Directory Server will use the
DN as N=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=tamesso,DC=com and the password as tivoli@123.
5. With the attribute mapping defined as uid $ sAMAccountName, any value associated
with uid in the Tivoli Directory Server will be looked for in the sAMAccountName
attribute in the destination PTA server.
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