Ubuntu Linux 7.10 系统下改变域名映射
2008-05-08 11:06:16 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 1:找到 ‘/etc/host.conf’改变权限,上面讲过的,Ubuntu Linux 7.10 系统下改变域名映射,chmod 777 host.conf 2:编辑host.conf内容如下: # The “order” line is only used by old versions of the C lib
1:找到 ‘/etc/host.conf’改变权限,上面讲过的。chmod 777 host.conf
# The “order” line is only used by old versions of the C library.
order hosts,bind
multi on
sagic localhost
这里保存就OK了。 改变域名映射成功。
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