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开发学院服务器WEB服务器Apache Apache FtpServer 1.0.4 发布 阅读

Apache FtpServer 1.0.4 发布

 2010-03-17 09:58:00 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注杨恒飞的微博
核心提示:Apache FtpServer是100%纯Java的FTP服务器软件,它采用MINA网络框架开发 具有非常好的性能,Apache FtpServer 1.0.4 发布,改进内容:Bug* [FTPSERVER-336] - BaseUser class from ftpserver-core bundle can&#

Apache FtpServer是100%纯Java的FTP服务器软件,它采用MINA网络框架开发 具有非常好的性能。



* [FTPSERVER-336] - BaseUser class from ftpserver-core bundle can't be used in other bundles in an OSGi environment

* [FTPSERVER-340] - DefaultFtpServer throws NPE on restart and lack documentation on restart not being supported

* [FTPSERVER-342] - Incorrect reply codes from PORT and EPRT commands

* [FTPSERVER-345] - Update the replies of MD5 and MMD5 commands to include the file path in double quotes when there are spaces in the path

* [FTPSERVER-347] - Multiline replies does not handle lines starting with numbers

* [FTPSERVER-348] - MKD command on linux checks for path separator before passing to filesystemview


* [FTPSERVER-341] - Handling invalid port number from client


* [FTPSERVER-353] - Upgrade to MINA 2.0.0-RC1

下载地址: http://mina.apache.org/ftpserver/downloads.html

Tags:Apache FtpServer 发布

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