跟小菜学虚拟化,之Microsoft Hyper-v 学习笔记(一)
2009-07-22 02:22:04 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:好久没怎么写些东西了,最近也看了些书.把自己学习过程中的笔记和大家分享..知识重在积累.Hyper-v大家应该不陌生.当我们装好Hyper-v后,如何去管理它呢?我们可以用,Windows Server 2008自带的Server Manger,Hyper-V Manager,或SCVMM2008.start the
我们可以用,Windows Server 2008自带的Server Manger,Hyper-V Manager,或SCVMM2008.
start the Server Manager tool to view and
edit Hyper-V settings, complete the following steps:
1. Click Start and then click Run.153 Becoming Familiar with the Hyper-V Administration Console
2. In the Run dialog box, enter ServerManager.msc, and click OK. This will start the
Server Manager application if it is not already running on the system.
3. Expand the Roles section of the tree by clicking the plus sign (+).
4. Expand the Hyper-V branch of the tree, and expand the Virtualization Services
branch of the tree.
If you want to run the Hyper-V Manager from a command line, you can enter the
c:\Program Files\Hyper-V\vmconnect.exe
You can also launch the Hyper-V Manager and note a specific Hyper-V host server you
want to manage from the command line plus start monitoring a specific guest session
by entering the following:
c:\Program Files\Hyper-V\vmconnect.exe {hostname} “Guest Name”
In this case, {hostname} is the name of the Hyper-V host, and “Guest Name” (within
quotes) is the name of the guest session you want to launch to monitor.
我们可以用,Windows Server 2008自带的Server Manger,Hyper-V Manager,或SCVMM2008.
start the Server Manager tool to view and
edit Hyper-V settings, complete the following steps:
1. Click Start and then click Run.153 Becoming Familiar with the Hyper-V Administration Console
2. In the Run dialog box, enter ServerManager.msc, and click OK. This will start the
Server Manager application if it is not already running on the system.
3. Expand the Roles section of the tree by clicking the plus sign (+).
4. Expand the Hyper-V branch of the tree, and expand the Virtualization Services
branch of the tree.
If you want to run the Hyper-V Manager from a command line, you can enter the
c:\Program Files\Hyper-V\vmconnect.exe
You can also launch the Hyper-V Manager and note a specific Hyper-V host server you
want to manage from the command line plus start monitoring a specific guest session
by entering the following:
c:\Program Files\Hyper-V\vmconnect.exe {hostname} “Guest Name”
In this case, {hostname} is the name of the Hyper-V host, and “Guest Name” (within
quotes) is the name of the guest session you want to launch to monitor.
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