开发学院服务器服务器方案 使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deploymen... 阅读

使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑

 2010-09-15 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:引 言Network Deployment(简称 ND),是由一组 WPS 服务器组成的集群,使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑,集群是一项关键技术,可以用于改进 WebSphere Process Server 环境的可用性和可伸缩性,通过 DB Design Gener

引 言

Network Deployment(简称 ND),是由一组 WPS 服务器组成的集群。集群是一项关键技术,可以用于改进 WebSphere Process Server 环境的可用性和可伸缩性。



如果您想了解更多关于 WPS 拓扑的知识,请参阅 《 WebSphere Process Server V6.0.2 集群,第 1 部分:了解拓扑》。

数据库是 WPS 基础结构层的重要组成部分,用来实现 WPS 的操作持久性。在 V6 中,建立数据的脚本是在建立 WPS 概要文件和拓扑的时候才生成的。DBA 和 WPS 管理员的工作是串行的。例如:DBA 首先要提供 Common DB 的信息给 WPS 管理员,WPS 管理员根据这些信息建立 Profile,等到 Profile 建好了,才能将生成的数据库脚本个 DBA,然后 DBA 才能根据这些脚本建立 Common DB 的 TableSpace, Table 等。由于 WPS 建立概要文件和拓扑的时间都比较长,使用会造成资源的浪费。而现在 V7 中的 DB 设计工具(DB Design Generator tool)可以解决这个问题。

下面,我们来利用 DB Design Generator tool 来一步步的建立一个 WPS Remote messaging 拓扑。根据我们的统计,客户在使用 Oracle 的时候提问比较多,所以我们这里选择 Oracle 作为示例。



建立 ND 前的准备工作,包括 WPS 的安装,数据库的安装。

使用 DB 设计工具,设计数据库,生成数据库脚本,和数据库设计文件。这部分是我们的重点,也是和以前建立 ND 不同的地方。

使用生成的数据库设计文件来建立一个 WPS 的集群环境,即 ND。


安装 WPS 7.0

要实现本文示例的 ND 拓扑,需要在三台服务器上安装三个 WPS。

安装 Oracle 11g ,建立数据库。


公用数据库 (WPRCSDB),包含 WebSphere Process Server 的配置和单元范围的数据。例如,有关某些 SCA 组件(业务规则、选择器、关系)的数据就存储在这里。此外,该数据库还包含失败事件数据。

Business Process Choreographer 数据库 (BPEDB),包含 Business Process Choreographer 数据,以及诸如流程和人工任务的模板数据、长时间运行的流程的状态信息等其他内容。如果配置了多个服务器或集群来运行业务流程和 / 或人工任务,则此数据可以在一个单元中存在多次。

Messaging Databases (ME DB),由 WebSphere Process Server 消息基础结构中运行的消息引擎用于持久化消息数据:事务上下文、消息有效负载和管理信息。

公共事件基础设施的数据库对象(Common Event Infrastructure Database,CEI DB),包含公共基础事件基础结构的数据。

Business Space DB,Business Space 是 IBM® 业务流程管理( Business Process Management )产品配备发布的通用 UI 架构。与它面向业务人员,采用 mashup 技术构建视图,可以轻松地被业务人员客户化定制,为业务人员提供了业务流程管理的良好视图。用户访问 Business Space 视图,可以查看业务流程管理产品在当前应用场景中的实时状态,从而对业务流程做出及时的反馈。


user ID Schema 组件名称 所属数据库 作 用
USERBE00USERBE00WBI_BPCBPEDBBusiness Process Choreographer Explorer
USERBPR00USERBPR00WBI_BPCEventCollectorBPEDBBusiness Process Choreographer container configuration
USERBS00USERBS00WBI_BSPACEBusiness Space DBBusiness Space
SCASS00BPCME00WBI_BPC_MEME DBWBI_BPC_ME,Business Process Choreographe 总线消息引擎

选择 WPS 与 Oracle 的连接方式

我们这里选择 thin 的方式连接,所以只需要将 oracle 的驱动拷贝到 WPS 服务器的一个目录下,例如 /export/Oracle_lib_11。(Oracle 的驱动可以官方网站上下载到 http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc /index.html)

使用 DB 设计工具,设计数据库,并且生成数据库脚本文件


DB 设计工具(DbDesignGenerator)初始化

配置 Common DB




配置 Business Space DB


DB 设计工具初始化

首先进入 <WPS_HOME>/util/dbUtils/ ,运行 DbDesignGenerator.bat/sh (windows 平台为 DbDesignGenerator.bat,Unix/Linux 平台为 DbDesignGenerator.sh)

清单 1. DbDesignGenerator 初始化界面

 [info] running DbDesignGenerator in interactive mode... 
 [info] Enter 'q' to quit without saving; 
 '-' for back to previous menu; '?' for help at any time. 
 [info] To accept the given default values, simply press the 'Enter' key. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [design option(s)] : 
 (1)Create a database design for Standalone profile or Deployment Environment 
 (2)Create a database design for a single component (e.g. BPC, CEI etc) 
 (3)Edit an existing database design 
 (4)Generate database scripts from a database design 
 (5)exit [q] 


表示创建一个 Standalone 或 ND 环境的数据库设计文件。

可以为单独的组件,例如(Common DB , CEI 等)创建数据库设计文件。




我们这些选择 1,创建一个 Standalone 或 ND 环境的数据库设计文件。

接下会出现新的选项,因为我们这里做的是一个 WPS 的 ND 拓扑, 所以这里我们选 3 ,

清单 2. 数据库模式选择画面

 [info] Please pick one of the following [database pattern(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the database pattern :3 

接着就会出现了数据库配置画面,我们选 1,首先配置 Common DB。

清单 3. 数据库组件配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status of 'not complete' for requ 
 ired properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to change existing or default 
 ed property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then any parent components, sinc 
 e other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = not complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = not complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = not complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = not complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = not complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = not complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = not complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = not complet 
 (10)[save and exit] 

配置 Common DB

我们选 1,配置 Common DB,回车后就会出现如下的提示

清单 4. Common DB 配置画面 1

 Please enter the number for the database component :1 
 [status] WBI_CommonDB is not complete with 1 remaining item(s): 
 [ 1 ] CommonDB.WBI_CommonDB : : DbType key is not set. 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] :y 

这里我们选择 y,编辑这个数据库组件

选择数据库的类型,因为我们用的是 Oracle,所以选择 8

清单 5. Common DB 配置画面 2 : 选择数据库的类型

 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 (9)SQL Server 
 Please enter the number for the database type :8 


数据库名默认是 WPRCSDB,我们也可以定义自己的数据库名,例如 WPSCOMDB 。

输入 common db 的 user 和 schema,这里我们输入 usercomm。

因为我们是 ND,所以下边三项可以不输入,按回车继续。

清单 6. Common DB 配置画面 3: 输入数据库信息

 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the database objects section. 
 Database name(SID)[default=WPRCSDB] :WPSCOMDB 
 Database User name[default=] :usercomm 
 Database schema[default=] :usercomm 
 System user name(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part 
 of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 System password(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part 
 of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 Database Location(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part 
 of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects 
 section properties needed for database scripts generation. 

接下来进入数据源属性编辑选项,如果按 s 键可以跳过这个步骤,其他键继续。这里我们按其他键,编辑数据源属性。

首先要选择 Database provider,我们这里直接按 Enter 键,选择默认即可。


选择数据库的驱动类型,thin 的话不需要 oracle 的客户端,使用方便,这里我们选择 thin 的方式。

输入 common DB 数据源的用户名和密码,我们这里使用 usercomm。

JDBC 驱动的位置,WPS 服务器上 Oracle 驱动的位置,例如:/opt/Oracle_lib

清单 7. Common DB 配置画面 3 :数据源属性编辑

 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or enter anything else to continue :a 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider 
 [default=Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties 
  in the data source properties section. 
 Database server host[default=] : 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [Oracle driver type(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the Oracle driver type [default=thin] : 
 Data source user name[default=usercomm] :usercomm 
 Data source password[default=] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=] :/opt/Oracle_lib 

输入回车,完成 Common DB 的配置。

我们看到 CommonDB 的 status 已经由 not complete 变为 compete。

清单 8. Common DB 配置完成画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status of 'not complete' for requ 
 ired properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to change existing or default 
 ed property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then any parent components, sinc 
 e other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 

这里我们看到其他的一些配置,例如 CEI,BPC 也变为 complete。是因为 DB Design Generator tool 做了默认的配置,有时候默认配置并不能满足我们的要求,所以在本例中 CEI,BPC,ME 还需要我们手工配置。


配置 WBI_SCA_SYS_ME ,同时配置 MEDB 的数据源。

选择 6 配置 WBI_SCA_SYS_ME,选择数据库为 Oracle

清单 9. MEDB 配置,数据库选择画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status 
 of 'not complete' for required properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to 
 change existing or defaulted property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then 
 any parent components, since other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :6 
 [status] WBI_SCA_SYS_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 (8)SQL Server 
 Please enter the number for the database type [default=Oracle] : 

与 CommonDB 相似,User 和 Schema 我们输入前边预定好的 SCASS00,然后是数据源的信息,输入 MEDB 的数据库信息。

清单 10. WBI_SCA_SYS_ME 配置画面

 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in 
 the database objects sectio 
 Database User name[default=usercomm] :SCASS00 
 Schema name[default=WPRSS00] : SCASS00 
 statementend - specify what to append at the end of statement[default=;] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects section 
 properties needed for database scripts generation. 
 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or 
 enter anything else to continue :a 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider 
 [default=Oracle JDBC Driver # 
 XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in 
 the data source properties section. 
 Database name[default=WPSCOMDB] :MEDB 
 Database server host[default=] : 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [Oracle driver types(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the Oracle driver types [default=thin] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [createTables(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the createTables [default=true] :1 
 Data source user name[default=usercomm] :WPRSS00 
 Data source password[default=******] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=/opt/Oracle_lib] : 

这边有个新选项,是否创建表,默认是 true, 如果你需要 WPS 自动创建表的话必须提前在 Oracle 里建好 user。例如,如果要让 WPS 自动创建 WBI_SCA_SYS_ME 的 Table,必须首先在 oracle 中创建 user :SCASS00,并赋予足够的权限。

WBI_BPC_ME 配置,这里只需要输入 Schema 名:BPCME00

清单 11.WBI_BPC_ME 配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status of 'not complete' for requ 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to change existing or default 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then any parent components, sinc 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :7 
 [status] WBI_BPC_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please enter value for the specified variables - 
 schemaName[default=WPRBM00] :BPCME00 
 [status] WBI_BPC_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 

WBI_CEI_ME ,输入 Schema 名: CEIME00

清单 12.WBI_CEI_ME 配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status of 'not complete' for requ 
 ired properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to change existing or default 
 ed property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then any parent components, sinc 
 e other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :8 
 [status] WBI_CEI_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please enter value for the specified variables - 
 schemaName[default=WPRCM00] :CEIME00 
 [status] WBI_CEI_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 


清单 13. WBI_SCA_APP_ME 配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component 
 with status of 'not complete' for required properties. 
 [info] Completed database components 
 can be edited to change existing or defaulted property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first,and then any parent components, 
 since other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :9 
 [status] WBI_SCA_APP_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please enter value for the specified variables - 
 schemaName[default=WPRSA00] :SCAAP00 
 [status] WBI_SCA_APP_ME is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 

ME DB 配置完毕。

这里我们建立的 ME DB 中包含有四个 USER:SCASS00,SCASS00,BPCME00,CEIME00。这里我们指定了 SCASS00 为权限较高的用户,WPS 使用 SCASS00 来操作 ME DB。如果我们生成了 ME 的数据库脚本,可以看到这样的语句:



当然,您也可以指定一个您自己的用户(不属于这四个用户 SCASS00,SCASS00,BPCME00,CEIME00),来操作 MEDB。区别是:您指定的用户需要自己手工创建,而 SCASS00,SCASS00,BPCME00,CEIME00 会由 DbDesignGenerator 来生成创建的脚本。

另外,这里的 DbDesignGenerator 目前只支持一个数据库实例来存放 Messaging Engine 的信息。如果您希望将它们分别存放到不同的数据库中的话,可以在创建 Deployment Environment 的时候, 在配置数据源的时候进行更改。


CEIDB 的配置与 Common DB 类似,可参考下图进行配置:

清单 14. CEI DB 配置画面

 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :5 
 [status] WBI_CEI_EVENT is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 (9)SQL Server 
 Please enter the number for the database type [default=Oracle] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties 
 in the database objects section. 
 Database location(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 System user name(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 System password(this is required 
 ONLY for creating the database as a part of standalone profile creation.)[default=] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects section 
 properties needed for database scripts generation. 
 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or enter anything else to continue :a 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider 
 [default=Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the data source properties section. 
 Database name[default=WPSCOMDB] :CEIDB 
 Database server host[default=] : 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [createTables(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the createTables [default=true] :1 
 Data source user name[default=usercomm] :USERCEI00 
 Data source password[default=******] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=/opt/Oracle_lib] : 
 [status] WBI_CEI_EVENT is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 


清单 15. BPC DB 配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status of 'not complete' 
 for required properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited to change existing 
 or defaulted property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and then any parent 
 components, since other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :3 
 [status] WBI_BPC is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 (8)SQL Server 
 Please enter the number for the database type [default=Oracle] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the 
 properties in the database objects section. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [scenario(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the scenario [default=Configuration] : 
 Database name (SID)[default=WPSCOMDB] :BPEDB 
 Database schema name / user 
 (leave empty to use implicit schema)[default=WPRBE00] :USERBE00 
 Password for database schema user[default=] :password 
 Use tablespaces (true/false)?[default=true] : 
 Tablespace directory 
 (only needed when using tablespaces)[default=] :/opt/orcl/bpetbs 
 Tablespace for audit log items 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=AUDITLOG] : 
 Tablespace for indexes for all tables 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=INDEXTS] : 
 Tablespace for instance items 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=INSTANCE] : 
 Tablespace for large objects for all tables 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=LOBTS] : 
 Tablespace for scheduler items 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=SCHEDTS] : 
 Tablespace for staff query items 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=STAFFQRY] : 
 Tabplespace for template items 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=TEMPLATE] : 
 Tablespace for work item tables and indexes 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=WORKITEM] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects section 
 properties needed for database scripts generation. 
 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or enter anything else to continue :a 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider [default=Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties 
 in the data source properties section. 
 Automatically create the database tables 
 when the database is accessed for the first time (true/false)?[default=true] :false 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [Oracle driver type(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the Oracle driver type [default=thin] : 
 Database server host[default=] : 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 Data source user name[default=usercomm] :USERBE00 
 Data source password[default=******] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=/opt/Oracle_lib] : 
 [status] WBI_BPC is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 

注意:配置 TableSapce 的目录的时候,请确保您配置的目录有足够的硬盘空间。

配置 BPC Reporting DB

清单 16. BPC Reporting DB 配置画面

 [info] Please edit any database component with status 
 of 'not complete' for required properties. 
 [info] Completed database components can be edited 
 to change existing or defaulted property values. 
 [info] Design the 'master' component first, and 
 then any parent components, since other components may inherit values from them. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :2 
 [status] WBI_BPCEventCollector is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the database type [default=Oracle] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the database objects section. 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [scenario(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the scenario [default=Configuration] : 
 Database name (SID)[default=WPSCOMDB] :BPEDB 
 Database schema name / user (leave empty to use implicit schema) 
 [default=WPRBC00] : USERBPR00 
 Password for database schema user[default=] :password 
 Use tablespaces (true/false)?[default=true] : 
 Tablespace directory (only needed when using tablespaces)[default=] : 
 Tablespace for Reporting function indexes 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=OBSVRIDX] : 
 Tablespace for Reporting function large objects 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=OBSVRLOB] : 
 Tablespace for Reporting function tables 
 (leave default when not using tablespaces)[default=OBSVRTS] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects 
 section properties needed for database scripts generation. 
 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or enter anything else to continue :a 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider [default=Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the data source properties section. 
 Automatically create the database tables 
 when the database is accessed for the first time (true/false)?[default=true] :false 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [Oracle driver type(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the Oracle driver type [default=thin] : 
 Database server host[default=] :9.18..125.143 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 Data source user name[default=usercomm] : USERBPR00 
 Data source password[default=******] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=/opt/Oracle_lib] : 

配置 Business Space DB

清单 17. Business Space DB 配置画面

 [info] Please pick one of the following [database component(s)] : 
 (1)[CommonDB]  WBI_CommonDB : [master] [status = complete] 
 (2)[BPCReporting]    WBI_BPCEventCollector : [status = complete] 
 (3)[BPC]    WBI_BPC : [status = complete] 
 (4)[BSpace]   WBI_BSPACE : [status = not complete] 
 (5)[CEI]    WBI_CEI_EVENT : [status = complete] 
 (6)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_SYS_ME : [status = complete] 
 (7)[SibME]   WBI_BPC_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (8)[SibME]   WBI_CEI_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (9)[SibME]   WBI_SCA_APP_ME : [parent = WBI_SCA_SYS_ME] [status = complete] 
 (10)[save and exit] 
 Please enter the number for the database component :4 
 [status] WBI_BSPACE is not complete with 3 remaining item(s): 
 [ 1 ] BSpace.WBI_BSPACE : databaseObjects : 
 required property 'databaseUser' for DB_USER is empty. 
 [ 2 ] BSpace.WBI_BSPACE : authAlias : 
 required property 'userName' for userId is empty. 
 [ 3 ] BSpace.WBI_BSPACE : authAlias : 
 required property 'password' for DB_PASSWORD is empty. 
 Edit this database component? (y/n) [default=y] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database type(s)] : 
 (8)SQL Server 
 Please enter the number for the database type [default=Oracle] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the database objects section. 
 Database name (SID)[default=WPSCOMDB] :BSPDB 
 Database user name[default=] :USERBS00 
 Database schema name (must match the user name)[default=USERBS00] : 
 Prefix for tablespace names (0-4 characters)[default=BSP] : 
 Directory or file name prefix for tablespace files[default=BSP] : 
 [info] You have completed database objects section properties 
 needed for database scripts generation. 
 To skip data source properties, enter 's'; or enter anything else to continue : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [database provider(s)] : 
 (1)Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA) 
 Please enter the number for the database provider 
 [default=Oracle JDBC Driver # XA data source # Oracle JDBC Driver (XA)] : 
 [info] Please enter the values for the properties in the data 
 source properties section. 
 Database server host[default=] : 
 Database server port[default=1521] : 
 [info] Please pick one of the following [Oracle driver type(s)] : 
 Please enter the number for the Oracle driver type [default=thin] : 
 Data source user name[default=USERBS00] : 
 Data source password[default=] :password 
 Oracle JDBC driver path[default=/opt/Oracle_lib] : 
 [status] WBI_BSPACE is complete with 0 remaining item(s): 


现在 DB 的配置已经完成,我们输入 10 保存配置,并且生成 DB 脚本。

备份生成的 DB 脚本以及 DBDesign 文件为接下来的步骤做准备。



现在的 WPS 版本(V7000,V7001),DbDesignGenerator 还不能生成 CEI DB 的脚本,我们需要使用安装 ND 时候生成的脚本(请参照下边的相关的步骤)。除了 CEI DB 脚本外,其他的 DB 脚本都可以正常生成,DBA 可以使用生成的脚本进行数据库的配置了。

有些脚本,例如:createSchema_CommonDB.sql ,如果直接运行会出错,需要你手将 CREATE USER USERCOMM IDENTIFIED BY &dbCommonPassword;,中的 &dbCommonPassword 改为你要设置的值。

创建 Profile 概要文件。

首先我们进入 , <WPS_HOME>/bin/ProfileManagement 目录下运行 pmt.sh/bat。

选择 Advanced profile creation,点击 Next。

图 1. 创建 DMGR Profile
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


指定 Profile 的名字和目录。

指定 Node, Host 和 Cell 的名字。


指定证书信息,你可以使用 WPS 自动创建证书,也可以使用自己的证书。在示例中我们使用 WPS 来自动创建证书。

图 2. 指定证书信息
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


设置端口信息,点击 Next。


选择“ Use a database design file for database configuration”,指定数据库设计文件的位置。因为在我们的生产环境中,我们绝大多数情况用的是远程数据库,所以需要将“Delay execution of database scripts (must select if using a remote database”选项也打上勾。

图 3. 指定数据库设计文件画面
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


校验汇总信息,如果没有问题的话点击 Create 创建 :

图 4. 信息汇总
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


接下来要创建 Custom Profile,因为比较简单,而且与本文要讲解的内容无关,这里就不再赘述。

43/ibm/console),点击 Servers -> Deployment Environments -> New …,输入 Deployment Environment 的名字,点击下一步。

图 5. 创建 DE
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


选择部署环境模式,这里我们使用 WPS 推荐的 Remote Messaging pattern。

图 6. 指定部署环境模式
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


选择 Nodes,在 Remote Messaging pattern 中,至少要选择一个 Node。

图 7. 选择 Nodes
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


配置 clusters,所有选项保持默认,点击 Next。

配置 REST service 的主机名和端口,这里也保持默认就好。

导入前边生成的数据库设计文件 wps.nd.topology.dbDesign,点击 Next。

图 8. 指定数据库设计文件
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


可以看到,数据库的信息已经自动填入,就是我们前边用 DB Design Generator tool 配置的数据库信息,我们可以逐项确认一下 :

图 9. 数据库信息配置画面
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


如果我们在 DB Design Generator tool 中 Create Table 是 true 的话,这边 Create Tables 的选项会自动选中,因为这边所以的数据库数据库操作都是由 DBA 来做,所以将所有的勾都去掉。

配置 BPC,按画面提示输入必要的信息,点击 Next。

校验信息并且点击 “Finish and Generate Environment”创建 Network Deployment。

图 10 信息汇总
使用 DB 设计工具建立一个 WPS Network Deployment 拓扑


因为 CEI DB 的脚本在 DbDesignGenerator 中没有生成,所以我们需要使用创建完 Deployment Environment 后自动生成的脚本。

在 DMGR Node,在 <WPS_HOME>/profiles/<Dmgr profile>/databases/event 目录先取得脚本,拷贝到 CEI DB 数据库所在的服务器,运行 cr_event_oracle.sh 或 cr_event_oracle.bat,运行格式如下:

cr_event_oracle.bat password SYSUSER SYSPASSWORD 

这样我们的 ND 拓扑就建立完备,启动 ND,验证是否建立成功。

验证 ND 是否建立成功

登入控制台,点击 Servers -> Deployment Environments ,选择我们刚才建好的 DB,点击 Start。

稍等一会后我们再次点击 Deployment Environments,如果状态有红色的 X 变为绿色的箭头,说明 ND 已经启动成功。

点击 Resources->JDBC->Data Sources,选择所有的数据源,点击 Test connection ,检测数据库是否能够正确连通。

点击 Applications->Application Types->WebSphere enterprise applications,检查自动安装的应用是否正常启动。

登入您的 WPS 服务器,检查 SystemOut.log 日志文件中是否有错误,例如:


如果这些都检测通过,那么恭喜你,您的 ND 已经建立成功。


本文介绍了 WPS V7 的新功能,DB 设计工具(DB Design Generator tool)。通过 DB Design Generator tool,WPS 管理员和 DBA 都可以只关注自己负责的那部分工作,提高 WPS 部署的效率。

Tags:使用 DB 设计

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