HACMP 5.x 完全手册,第 2 部分:配置
2008-11-13 10:57:40 来源:WEB开发网可以看到已符合规划要求,可以继续下面的配置。
service ip
vg 和 jfs
添加 应用服务器
smitty hacmp ->Extended Configuration ->Extended Resource Configuration ->HACMP Extended Resources Configuration ->Configure HACMP Applications ->Configure HACMP Application Servers ->Add an Application Server* Server Name [host1_app]
* Start Script [/usr/sbin/cluster/app/start_host1]
* Stop Script [/usr/sbin/cluster/app/stop_host1]
Application Monitor Name(s)
同样增加 host2_app
* Server Name [host2_app]
* Start Script [/usr/sbin/cluster/app/start_host2]
* Stop Script [/usr/sbin/cluster/app/stop_host2]
添加 service ip
smity hacmp ->Extended Configuration->Extended Resource Configuration ->HACMP Extended Resources Configuration ->Configure HACMP Service IP Labels/Addresses ->Add a Service IP Label/Address ->Configurable on Multiple Nodesnet_ether_01(
* IP Label/Address host1_l1_svc
* Network Name net_ether_01
Alternate HW Address to accompany IP Label/Address []
同样增加其他服务 ip 地址。
smitty hacmp ->Extended Configuration-> Extended Resource Configuration ->HACMP Extended Resource Group Configuration-> Add a Resource Group Add a Resource Group (extended)Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields]
* Resource Group Name [host1_RG]
* Participating Nodes (Default Node Priority) [host1 host2]
Startup Policy Online On Home Node Only
Fallover Policy Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List
Fallback Policy Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The List