2007-03-21 10:50:18 来源:WEB开发网 【减小字体增大字体】 关注杨恒飞的微博Fig.9. User access.
The result is that when user “jsmith” logs into luci, she will only be able to access storage system “tng3-3.” You as the admin user can view all the storage nodes. Once a storage system is being managed by luci, you can manage disk partitions, logical volume goups, and RAID filesystems. You can also retrieve system logs through the web interface. For example:
Fig.10. Viewing system logs.
Note that when a cluster is added to a luci server, all the nodes in that cluster are added as storage systems. If you don’t want any or all of these cluster nodes to also be managed as storage systems, then you can remove individual storage systems from luci, while the cluster management capability is maintained. Also note that storage system user accounts and passwords used in Conga are in addition to any existing system or cluster user accounts and password. Defining user accounts and passwords in Conga will not affect existing system accounts or passwords.
What’s next?This article is intended to give a brief introduction to the features provided by Conga. In subsequent articles, we’ll examine specific topics in greater detail. These topics will include: