开发学院服务器服务器方案 RHEL5新特性-Conga集群管理软件 阅读


 2007-03-21 10:50:18 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:这批文章介绍的是一款名为Conga的工具,该工具包含在最新发布的RHEL 5中,RHEL5新特性-Conga集群管理软件,通过使用Conga,你可以非常方便的配置和管理好你的服务器集群和存储阵列

这批文章介绍的是一款名为Conga的工具,该工具包含在最新发布的RHEL 5中,通过使用Conga,你可以非常方便的配置和管理好你的服务器集群和存储阵列,下面是该软件的一些特性预览。

This article introduces Conga, a new application released as part of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 5. Walk through setting up your cluster and storage systems properly. Preview some of the major features of this new clustering and storage management tool.

The problem: Multiple cluster and storage system management tools

In the past, in order to create and manage complex clusters and storage systems you had to make use of multiple managements tools. Conga solves the problem of individually installing and managing storage systems and cluster nodes.

Conga grew out of the lineage of GUI applications developed to support storage and clusters. Tools such as red-hat-cluster, system-config-cluster, deploy-tool, and system-config-lvm are examples of Conga’s heritage. “Conga addresses a number of ‘pain points’ customers encountered in our earlier X/Gtk management applications,” says Kevin Anderson, Director of Storage and Cluster Development. “Users frequently commented that while they found value in the interfaces we were providing, they did not routinely install X and Gtk libraries on their production servers. Conga solves this problem by providing an agent that is resident on the production servers and is managed through a web interface.”

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Tags:RHEL 特性 Conga

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