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Visual C++入门常见问题小结

 2009-04-24 20:03:19 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: void CSampleDialog : : OnLbuttonDown (UINT nFlags, Cpoint point ) {Cdialog : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags, goint );//Fool dialog into thinki

 void CSampleDialog : : OnLbuttonDown (UINT nFlags, Cpoint point )


  Cdialog : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags, goint );

  //Fool dialog into thinking simeone clicked on its caption bar .

  PostMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , HTCAPTION , MAKELParm (point.x , point. y) )



Windows向窗口发送一个WM_ERASEBKGND消息通知该窗口擦除背景,可以使用ClassWizard重载该消息的缺省 处理程序来擦除背景(实际是画),并返回TRUE以防止Windows擦除窗口。


  //Paint area that needs to be erased.

  BOOL CSampleView : : OnEraseBkgnd (CDC* pDC)


  // Create a pruple brush.

  CBrush Brush (RGB (128 , 0 , 128) );

  // Select the brush into the device context .

  CBrush* pOldBrush = pDC—>SelcetObject (&brush);

  // Get the area that needs to be erased .

  CRect reClip ;

  pDC—>GetCilpBox (&rcClip);

  //Paint the area.

  pDC—> PatBlt (rcClip.left , rcClip.top ,

  rcClip.Width ( ) , rcClip.Height ( ) , PATCOPY );

  //Unselect brush out of device context .

  pDC—>SelectObject (pOldBrush );

  // Return nonzero to half fruther processing .

  return TRUE;



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