开发学院软件开发VC 仿腾讯 QQ 和 Skype 通过URL触发自己的程序 阅读

仿腾讯 QQ 和 Skype 通过URL触发自己的程序

 2008-01-10 21:37:05 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:本文示例源代码或素材下载 如果你电脑中装有QQ,在IE地址栏输入:“tencent://Message/?menu=yes&exe=&uin=13231462”然后[回车],仿腾讯 QQ 和 Skype 通过URL触发自己的程序,立即可以与我的QQ建立临时会话,如下图: Skype也有类



仿腾讯 QQ 和 Skype 通过URL触发自己的程序


The IURLSearchHook interface is used by the browser to translate the address of an unknown URL protocol. When attempting to browse to a URL address that does not contain a protocol, the browser will first attempt to determine the correct protocol from the address. If this is not successful, the browser will create URL Search Hook objects and call each object's Translate method until the address is translated or all of the hooks have been queried.

IURLSearchHook接口被浏览器用来转换一个未知的URL协议地址。当浏览器企图去打开一个未知协议的URL地址时,浏览器首先尝试从这个地址得到当前的协议,如果不成功,浏览器将创建在系统中注册的URL Search Hook对象并调用每一个对象的Translate方法,直到地址被转换或所有的URL Search Hook都尝试过。



// 注册自定义的Web协议
// return : ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    0  -  失败
//    1  -  成功
//    2  -  已经存在
int RegWebProtocol ( LPCTSTR lpszProtocolName, LPCTSTR lpszAssociatedApp, int nIconIndex/*=0*/ )
  if ( !lpszProtocolName ||
     lstrlen(lpszProtocolName) < 1 ||
     !lpszAssociatedApp ||
     lstrlen(lpszAssociatedApp) < 1 ) 
    return 0;
  CString csSubKey;
  DWORD dwBufSize = 0;
  // 该协议已经存在
  HKEY hKey = NULL;
  if ( RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
        &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
    return 2;
  else hKey = NULL;
  // 创建协议子键
  if ( !CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName ) )
    return 0;
  // 设置协议描述字符串
  CString csProtocolDesc; csProtocolDesc.Format ( _T("%sProtocol"), lpszProtocolName );
  dwBufSize = csProtocolDesc.GetLength();
  if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName,
    _T(""), REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PUCHAR)csProtocolDesc.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
    return 0;
  CString csAppFile; csAppFile.Format ( _T("%s"), lpszAssociatedApp );
  dwBufSize = csAppFile.GetLength();
  if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName,
    _T("URL Protocol"), REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PUCHAR)csAppFile.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
    return 0;
  // DefaultIcon 子键
  csSubKey.Format ( _T("%sDefaultIcon"), lpszProtocolName );
  if ( !CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey ) )
    return 0;
  CString csIconParameter; csIconParameter.Format ( _T("%s,%d"), lpszAssociatedApp, nIconIndex );
  dwBufSize = csIconParameter.GetLength();
  if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey,
    _T(""), REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PUCHAR)csIconParameter.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
    return 0;
  // shellopencommand 子键
  csSubKey.Format ( _T("%sshellopencommand"), lpszProtocolName );
  if ( !CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey ) )
    return 0;
  CString csCommand; csCommand.Format ( _T(""%s" "%%1""), lpszAssociatedApp );
  dwBufSize = csCommand.GetLength();
  if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey,
    _T(""), REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PUCHAR)csCommand.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
    return 0;
  return 1;
// 卸载自定义的Web协议
BOOL UnRegWebProtocol ( LPCTSTR lpszProtocolName )
  if ( !lpszProtocolName || lstrlen(lpszProtocolName) < 1 )
    return FALSE;
  return RegDeleteAllSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName );

仿腾讯 QQ 和 Skype 通过URL触发自己的程序

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