2012-05-25 07:53:41 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 输入一个目录,统计目录及子目录下所有代码的总行数,统计代码行数,初学python,参考了Moody _"Kuuy"_ Wizmann的相关代码
输入一个目录,统计目录及子目录下所有代码的总行数。初学python,参考了Moody _"Kuuy"_ Wizmann的相关代码。
find ./ -name "*.cpp" | xargs cat | wc -l
#/usr/bin/python import os #count the line of a single file def CountLine(path): tempfile = open(path) res = 0 for lines in tempfile: res += 1 print "%s %d" %(path, res) #output the file path and lines return res #count the total line of a folder, sub folder included def TotalLine(path): total = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for item in files: ext = item.split('.') ext = ext[-1] #get the postfix of the file if(ext in ["cpp", "c", "h", "java", "py", "php"]): subpath = root + "/" + item total += CountLine(subpath) return total print "Input Path" path = raw_input() print TotalLine(path)