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Python 和 LDAP

 2010-09-22 11:12:52 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 通过 mod_auth_ldap 模块向 Apache 提供 LDAP 身份验证,此模块是在 Fedora Core 8 httpd 包中默认安装的,Python 和 LDAP(5),对于试图登录的用户,要求在 'stooges' 组织中包含有效的电子邮件地址和密码,安装

通过 mod_auth_ldap 模块向 Apache 提供 LDAP 身份验证,此模块是在 Fedora Core 8 httpd 包中默认安装的。对于试图登录的用户,要求在 'stooges' 组织中包含有效的电子邮件地址和密码,这样才能访问上面定义的 Apache 虚拟主机。请注意 AuthLDAPURL 指令,它指定通过 LDAP 服务器实现用户身份验证所用的查询。我们搜索 'mail' 属性并应用过滤器 (o=stooges)。AuthLDAPURL 指令的完整语法请参见 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_auth_ldap.html#authldapurl。

用 Python-LDAP 执行 CRUD 操作

现在,准备使用 Python 与 LDAP 交互。为此,必须安装 python-ldap 模块。在 参考资料 中,可以找到关于安装此模块的详细信息的链接。实际上,只需要执行 “easy install”。首先下载 easy_install 脚本:



     sudo easy_install python-ldap


安装 python-ldap 之后,就可以执行 CRUD 操作了。下面编写一个执行这些操作的类。

Python LDAP CRUD 类

    #!/bin/env python
   import sys, ldap
   LDAP_HOST = 'localhost'
   LDAP_BASE_DN = 'dc=unisonis,dc=com'
   MGR_CRED = 'cn=Manager,dc=unisonis,dc=com'
   MGR_PASSWD = 'mypasswd'
   STOOGE_FILTER = 'o=stooges'
   class StoogeLDAPMgmt:
     def __init__(self, ldap_host=None, ldap_base_dn=None, mgr_cred=None,
       if not ldap_host:
         ldap_host = LDAP_HOST
       if not ldap_base_dn:
         ldap_base_dn = LDAP_BASE_DN
       if not mgr_cred:
         mgr_cred = MGR_CRED
       if not mgr_passwd:
         mgr_passwd = MGR_PASSWD
       self.ldapconn = ldap.open(ldap_host)
       self.ldapconn.simple_bind(mgr_cred, mgr_passwd)
       self.ldap_base_dn = ldap_base_dn
     def list_stooges(self, stooge_filter=None, attrib=None):
       if not stooge_filter:
         stooge_filter = STOOGE_FILTER
       s = self.ldapconn.search_s(self.ldap_base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
stooge_filter, attrib)
       print "Here is the complete list of stooges:"
       stooge_list = []
       for stooge in s:
         attrib_dict = stooge[1]
         for a in attrib:
           out = "%s: %s" % (a, attrib_dict[a])
           print out
       return stooge_list
     def add_stooge(self, stooge_name, stooge_ou, stooge_info):
       stooge_dn = 'cn=%s,ou=%s,%s' % (stooge_name, stooge_ou, self.ldap_base_dn)
       stooge_attrib = [(k, v) for (k, v) in stooge_info.items()]
       print "Adding stooge %s with ou=%s" % (stooge_name, stooge_ou)
       self.ldapconn.add_s(stooge_dn, stooge_attrib)  
     def modify_stooge(self, stooge_name, stooge_ou, stooge_attrib):
       stooge_dn = 'cn=%s,ou=%s,%s' % (stooge_name, stooge_ou, self.ldap_base_dn)
       print "Modifying stooge %s with ou=%s" % (stooge_name, stooge_ou)
       self.ldapconn.modify_s(stooge_dn, stooge_attrib)  
     def delete_stooge(self, stooge_name, stooge_ou):
       stooge_dn = 'cn=%s,ou=%s,%s' % (stooge_name, stooge_ou, self.ldap_base_dn)
       print "Deleting stooge %s with ou=%s" % (stooge_name, stooge_ou)

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