2009-09-22 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网//listener
1 AsyncInfo asyncInfo = new AsyncInfo();
2 asyncInfo.setResultListener( new ResultListener(){
3 public void onCompletion( InvokeCompletedEvent event ){
4 SimpleTestSoap source = (SimpleTestSoap)event.getSource();
5 try{
6 String result = source.endEchoString ( event.getFutureResult() );
7 } catch ( RemoteException e ){
8 e.printStackTrace ( System.out );
9 }
10 }
11 });
12 echoPort.startEchoString( "94501", asyncInfo );
要解释这个问题,我们先来看看这种调用方式的流程。对于服务器而言,异步、同步调用是一样的,它只负责接收、处理请求,web service的处理,在服务器端是由weblogic.webservice. server.servlet. WebServiceServlet .serverSideInvoke(WebService webservice, Binding binding, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)。同步、异步的处理完全是在客户端完成的,下面就看看客户端的调用流程。
FutureResult result = port.startSayHello(3, "test", null);
//it's a JAX-RPC stub, and it extends StubImpl.java
weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.StubImpl._startAsyncInvoke( String method, Map args, AsyncInfo wsAsyncContext )
//in this method, Operation is retrieved from Port
weblogic.webservice.core.DefaultOperation.asyncInvoke( Map outParams, Object[] args, AsyncInfo wsContext, PrintStream logStream )
//a ClientDispatcher is created here and then we dispatch our requst with this dispatcher
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.asyncDispatch(final Object[] args, final AsyncInfo async)
//in this method, FutureResultImpl is created and it will be returned to client. It's responsible to send message and
//receive response from server in another. For receiving response, it's will be discussed later.
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.send(Object[] args)
//MessageContext is set(for example, BindInfo is set) here and the request will be handle by a handler chain.
weblogic.webservice.core.handler.ClientHandler.handleRequest(MessageContext ctx)
//it check bind info and the delegate the request to binding
weblogic.webservice.binding.http11.Http11ClientBinding.send(MessageContext ctx)
//it retrieve endpoint from bindinfo and then open a HttpURLConnection with the URL created basing on endpoint.
//Reqeust is sent to server with this HttpURLConnection.
1 connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
3 outputStream = connection.getOutputStream();
4 request.writeTo( outputStream );