2006-02-04 13:49:13 来源:WEB开发网 闂傚倷绶氬ḿ褍螞閹绢喖绠柨鐕傛嫹

核心提示:Start a new java PRoject by using Ant This document has 5 sections:BriefSystem requirementDirectories and filesThe Build fileRun Ant BriefStart a new Java proj
Start a new java PRoject by using Ant
This document has 5 sections:
System requirement
Directories and files
The Build file
Run Ant
Start a new Java project by using Ant, so we can make Daily Building. All have to do list below:
1.Install java SDK1.4 and new version Ant, and make Ant works.
2.Copy Directories and files from dproject(d for Java) template library.
3.Make project files stay in the right directory.
4.Edit the Build.xml file. Let it fit the project.
5.Run Ant.
System requirement
Java SDK1.4 or higher
Ant 1.6 or higher
Directories and files
You can make directories yourself, or copy from template. But make sure the directory tree like this:
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