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开发学院软件开发C语言 使用C#实现ADSL自动拨号 阅读


 2010-09-30 22:41:45 来源:WEB开发网 閵嗭拷閸戝繐鐨€涙ぞ缍�婢х偛銇囩€涙ぞ缍�閵嗭拷  閸忚櫕鏁炵拫閿嬪€嶉柨瀵告畱瀵邦喖宕�
核心提示:在网络编程中,有时候会需要重新拨号建立网络连接(如Ad点击软件通过重新拨号形成有效点击) ,下面介绍两种程序中拨号的方法.1、最简单的方法:使用RasDial命令RasDial是Windows自带的命令,使用非常简单,使用C#实现ADSL自动拨号,实际使用是可将下面代码保存为一个批处理文件,然后直接运行或在程序里进行调

在网络编程中,有时候会需要重新拨号建立网络连接(如Ad点击软件通过重新拨号形成有效点击) ,下面介绍两种程序中拨号的方法.



rasdial.exe  /disconnect '断开连接
del "C:\Documents and Settings\hyuqin\Cookies\*.*" /Q  '清除Cookie
rasdial.exe  连接名 连接账户 连接密码 '重新拨号



using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public struct RASCONN
    public int dwSize;
    public IntPtr hrasconn;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 257)]
    public string szEntryName;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 17)]
    public string szDeviceType;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 129)]
    public string szDeviceName;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasStats
    public int dwSize;
    public int dwBytesXmited;
    public int dwBytesRcved;
    public int dwFramesXmited;
    public int dwFramesRcved;
    public int dwCrcErr;
    public int dwTimeoutErr;
    public int dwAlignmentErr;
    public int dwHardwareOverrunErr;
    public int dwFramingErr;
    public int dwBufferOverrunErr;
    public int dwCompressionRatioIn;
    public int dwCompressionRatioOut;
    public int dwBps;
    public int dwConnectionDuration;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasEntryName
    public int dwSize;
    //[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=(int)RasFieldSizeConstants.RAS_MaxEntryName + 1)]
    public string szEntryName;
    //#if WINVER5
    //  public int dwFlags;
    //  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=260+1)]
    //  public string szPhonebookPath;
public class RAS
    [DllImport("Rasapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RasEnumConnectionsA",
         SetLastError = true)]
    internal static extern int RasEnumConnections
        ref RASCONN lprasconn, // buffer to receive connections data
        ref int lpcb, // size in bytes of buffer
        ref int lpcConnections // number of connections written to buffer

    [DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    internal static extern uint RasGetConnectionStatistics(
        IntPtr hRasConn,       // handle to the connection
        [In, Out]RasStats lpStatistics  // buffer to receive statistics
    [DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public extern static uint RasHangUp(
        IntPtr hrasconn  // handle to the RAS connection to hang up
    [DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public extern static uint RasEnumEntries(
        string reserved,              // reserved, must be NULL
        string lpszPhonebook,         // pointer to full path and
        //  file name of phone-book file
        [In, Out]RasEntryName[] lprasentryname, // buffer to receive
        //  phone-book entries
        ref int lpcb,                  // size in bytes of buffer
        out int lpcEntries             // number of entries written
        //  to buffer
    [DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public extern static int InternetDial(
        IntPtr hwnd,
        [In]string lpszConnectoid,
        uint dwFlags,
        ref int lpdwConnection,
        uint dwReserved
    public RAS()
public enum DEL_CACHE_TYPE //要删除的类型。
    Cookie //表示Cookie
public class RASDisplay
    [DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern bool DeleteUrlCacheEntry(
        DEL_CACHE_TYPE type
    private string m_duration;
    private string m_ConnectionName;
    private string[] m_ConnectionNames;
    private double m_TX;
    private double m_RX;
    private bool m_connected;
    private IntPtr m_ConnectedRasHandle;
    RasStats status = new RasStats();
    public RASDisplay()
        m_connected = true;
        RAS lpras = new RAS();
        RASCONN lprasConn = new RASCONN();
        lprasConn.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
        lprasConn.hrasconn = IntPtr.Zero;
        int lpcb = 0;
        int lpcConnections = 0;
        int nRet = 0;
        lpcb = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
        nRet = RAS.RasEnumConnections(ref lprasConn, ref lpcb, ref
        if (nRet != 0)
            m_connected = false;
        if (lpcConnections > 0)
            //for (int i = 0; i < lpcConnections; i++)
            RasStats stats = new RasStats();
            m_ConnectedRasHandle = lprasConn.hrasconn;
            RAS.RasGetConnectionStatistics(lprasConn.hrasconn, stats);

            m_ConnectionName = lprasConn.szEntryName;
            int Hours = 0;
            int Minutes = 0;
            int Seconds = 0;
            Hours = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 3600);
            Minutes = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 60) - (Hours * 60);
            Seconds = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000)) - (Minutes * 60) - (Hours * 3600);

            m_duration = Hours + " hours " + Minutes + " minutes " + Seconds + " secs";
            m_TX = stats.dwBytesXmited;
            m_RX = stats.dwBytesRcved;
            m_connected = false;

        int lpNames = 1;
        int entryNameSize = 0;
        int lpSize = 0;
        RasEntryName[] names = null;
        entryNameSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RasEntryName));
        lpSize = lpNames * entryNameSize;
        names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
        names[0].dwSize = entryNameSize;
        uint retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
        //if we have more than one connection, we need to do it again
        if (lpNames > 1)
            names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                names[i].dwSize = entryNameSize;
            retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
        m_ConnectionNames = new string[names.Length];

        if (lpNames > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                m_ConnectionNames[i] = names[i].szEntryName;
    public string Duration
            return m_connected ? m_duration : "";
    public string[] Connections
            return m_ConnectionNames;
    public double BytesTransmitted
            return m_connected ? m_TX : 0;
    public double BytesReceived
            return m_connected ? m_RX : 0;
    public string ConnectionName
            return m_connected ? m_ConnectionName : "";
    public bool IsConnected
            return m_connected;
    public int Connect(string Connection)
        int temp = 0;
        int retVal = RAS.InternetDial(IntPtr.Zero, Connection, INTERNET_AUTO_DIAL_UNATTENDED, ref temp, 0);
        return retVal;
    public void Disconnect()

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Tags:使用 实现 ADSL

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