开发学院图形图像PhotoShop Photoshop教你做蝶蝎美人 阅读


 2009-02-28 17:19:03 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:Take two tattoo pictures and place each of them on a new layer.找两张纹身的图样,我们找的当然是蝴蝶和蝎子~将它们各自放到新的图层中.Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both la

Take two tattoo pictures and place each of them on a new layer.


Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both layers?type on Linear Blum.


Make the background now. Take a bamboo photo and place it on a new layer. Open it like a new file, mark it out with Rectangular Marquee Tool and copy it using the command Edit ?Copy (ctrl+c). Get back to the photo under PRocessing and insert the background on a new layer with the next command: Edit ?Paste (ctrl+v).


Mark the unnecessary part of this photo with Rectangular Marquee Tool and erase it: Edit ?Cut (ctrl+x). Double the remained part with the command Layer ?Duplicate Layer and transform it with Edit ?Transform ?Flip Horizontal.


Move a little the picture until it connect with the turned photo part. Connect both layers with the command Layer ?Merge Layer (ctrl+e).


Apply the Smart Blur filter to this layer and make a kind of color correctness, using the command Image ?Adjustments - Curves (ctrl+m).


Add several highlights of different intensity, using Filter ?Render ?Lens Flare.


Create the girl shadow. Copy the girl layer (Layer - Duplicate Layer) and make it darker with the command Image ?Adjustments ?Brightness/Contrast. Move it lower then the basic one, just clicking on it and carrying over. Blur a little with Filter ?Blur ?Gaussian Blur.


Add the frame, using Rectangle Tool then copy the frame layer and blur it.



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Tags:Photoshop 美人

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