How to Make a Dark, Post-Apocalyptic City Illustration
2010-09-28 14:55:21 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 图片看不清楚?请点击这里查看原图(大图),Step 2 Now, in order to create the appearance of destruction, several actions need to be taken. First, change the appearance of
Step 2
Now, in order to create the appearance of destruction, several actions need to be taken. First, change the appearance of the dark, blue banner (center-left of the image). Use the Brush Tool to erase most of the gold letters, and use the Clone Stamp Tool to remove the lower part of the banner.
Step 3
Open the flag image, and separate the flag from the background. Go to Select > Color Range to select all the blue pixels and press Delete. Use the parameters as in the image below.
Select the Eraser Tool (large size and hardness set at 0%) and remove the side part of the flag.
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