开发学院图形图像Flash Skinning Silverlight controls just got easier 阅读

Skinning Silverlight controls just got easier

 2008-10-24 11:46:28 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: You may not realize it but the ScrollBar has a lot of elements that you can skin.The thumb, the handles, the bar, every little detail…so n

You may not realize it but the ScrollBar has a lot of elements that you can skin. The thumb, the handles, the bar, every little detail…so now in Blend 2.5 we can right-click and choose to edit that:

Skinning Silverlight controls just got easier

When you do this you are prompted for some settings, one to name the style and the second of where to put it, either in the document resources or as an application resource that other controls may subscribe to:

Skinning Silverlight controls just got easier

After you do this, your objects and timelines explorer (on the left by default unless you’ve moved it) now changes to represent the layered elements of the control you are skinning now. Note that the “up” arrow will get you out of this mode and back to your documents visual tree of elements. Here’s what the base template for ScrollBar looks like:

Skinning Silverlight controls just got easier

You can continue to dig further. For example with ScrollBar, if you wanted to modify the Thumb, simply select that in the visual object tree:

Tags:Skinning Silverlight controls

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