2006-04-03 09:48:31 来源:WEB开发网---- (2).表格中表格文字位置的转换
---- 对文字对象的属性的直接控制来实现,通过with….end with 结构可以很容易地控制文字的高度、图层、颜色、书写方向。由于Mtext文字提供支持的排列位置分为9种,必须根据Microsoft Excel表格文字的排列方式加以合适的判定,然后进行转换。其具体的实现方法详见下面的程序。
Sub kz( )
With textObj ‘文字对象
.Height = textHgt
.Layer = newlayer.Name ‘设置图层
.Color = acRed ‘设置颜色
.DrawingDirection = 1 ‘设置书写方向
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 1 'acAttachmentPointTopLeft
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 2 'acAttachmentPointTopCenter
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 3 'acAttachmentPointTopRight
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 4 'acAttachmentPointMiddleLeft
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 5 'acAttachmentPointMiddleCenter
If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 6 'acAttachmentPointMiddleRight
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 7 'acAttachmentPointBottomLeft
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 8 'acAttachmentPointBottomCenter
If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
Then .AttachmentPoint = 9 'acAttachmentPointBottomRight
End With
End Sub
---- 三、功能与特点介绍
---- 该程序可将Excel表格中的所有单元格全部按原来大小、风格转换到AutoCAD文件中来。在转换过程中,表格线条的转换和文字转换是重点。文字转换采用了直接利用AddMtext命令提供的属性进行转换,避免了已往修改形文件来进行文字标注的方法,直接控制表格文字字体、大小、下划线、上下脚标,倾斜,加粗等,使每个文字的风格均可以得到很好的控制,极大提高了文字标注的灵活性。