2007-05-07 12:07:40 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: 查询V$SESSION_WAIT视图看看当前的等待事件column sid format 990column seq# format 99990column wait_time heading 'WTime' format 99990column event format
查询V$SESSION_WAIT视图看看当前的等待事件column sid format 990
column seq# format 99990
column wait_time heading 'WTime' format 99990
column event format a30
column p1 format 9999999990
column p2 format 9999999990
column p3 format 9990
select sid,event,seq#,p1,p2,p3,wait_time from V$session_wait
where sid=<SID>
order by sid;
SELECT lockwait
FROM v$session
WHERE sid = <sid>;
col Username format A15
col Sid format 9990 heading SID
col Type format A4
col Lmode format 990 heading 'HELD'
col Request format 990 heading 'REQ'
col Id1 format 9999990
col Id2 format 9999990
select SN.Username, M.Sid, M.Type,
DECODE(M.Lmode, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row
Excl.', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row Excl.', 6, 'Exclusive',
LTRIM(TO_CHAR(Lmode,'990'))) Lmode,
DECODE(M.Request, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row
Excl.', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row Excl.', 6, 'Exclusive',
LTRIM(TO_CHAR(M.Request, '990'))) Request,
M.Id1, M.Id2 from V$SESSION SN, V$LOCK M
WHERE (SN.Sid = M.Sid and M.Request ! = 0)
or (SN.Sid = M.Sid and M.Request = 0 and Lmode != 4 and (id1, id2)
in (select S.Id1, S.Id2 from V$LOCK S where Request != 0 and S.Id1
= M.Id1 and S.Id2 = M.Id2) ) order by Id1, Id2, M.Request