2009-03-03 13:11:25 来源:WEB开发网--生成表的基本信息,包含(列名称、类型、长度、精度;是否为null;字段的默认值(约束);是否是自增列、基数、增量)
select a.name as tabname,b.name as colname,(select name from sys.types where user_type_id = c.system_type_id) as typename,b.max_length as length,b.precision,b.scale,b.is_nullable as isnull
,d.name as defname,d.definition as 'default'
,b.is_identity as isidentity,f.seed_value as seed,f.increment_value as incre
,e.value as describe
into #table_define
from sys.objects a
inner join sys.columns b on a.object_id = b.object_id
inner join sys.types c on b.user_type_id = c.user_type_id
left join sys.default_constraints d on a.object_id = d.parent_object_id and b.column_id = d.parent_column_id
left join sys.extended_properties e on e.class = 1 and a.object_id = e.major_id and b.column_id = e.minor_id
left join sys.identity_columns f on a.object_id = f.object_id and b.column_id = f.column_id
where (a.is_ms_shipped = 0) and (a.type = 'U') and (a.name <> 'sysdiagrams') and (a.name like @tabname) and (a.schema_id = schema_id(@schema))
order by a.name,b.column_id
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