开发学院数据库Oracle 利用PHP创建由Oracle驱动的SOAP服务 阅读


 2009-01-06 13:10:21 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: * @author John Coggeshall < john@zend.com>** @throws SoapFault*/class BookManager {private $objDB;const DB_USERNAME="demo";const

   * @author John Coggeshall < john@zend.com>
  * @throws SoapFault
  class BookManager {
  private $objDB;
  const DB_USERNAME="demo";
  const DB_PASSWORD="password";
  const DB_DATABASE="myoracle";
  * Object Constructor: Establishes DB connection
  function __construct() {
  $this->objDB = oci_connect(self::DB_USERNAME,
  if($this->objDB === false) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to connect to database backend (reason: " .
  oci_error() . ")");
  * Private method to return the DB connection and make sure it exists
  * @return unknown
  private function getDB() {
  if(!$this->objDB) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "No valid database connection");
  return $this->objDB;
  * Add a new book to the database
  * @param string $isbn The ISBN serial number for the book (32 char max)
  * @param string $author The name of the primary author (50 char max)
  * @param string $title The title of the book (50 char max)
  * @param float $price The price of the book in USD
  * @return mixed SOAP Fault on error, true on success
  public function addBook($isbn, $author, $title, $price) {
  $query = "INSERT INTO books (isbn, author, title, price)
  VALUES (:isbn, :author, :title, :price)";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  // The numbers 32, 50, 50 are the max column lengths
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "isbn", $isbn, 32);
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "author", $author, 50);
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "title", $title, 50);
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "price", $price);
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  return true;
  * Delete a book from the database by ISBN
  * @param string $isbn The ISBN serial number of the book to delete
  * @return mixed SOAP Fault on error, true on success
  public function delBook($isbn) {
  $query = "DELETE FROM books
  WHERE isbn = :isbn";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, "isbn", $isbn, 32);
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  return true;
  * Return a list of books with a specific substring in their title
  * @param string $name The name of the author
  * @return mixed SOAP Fault on error, an array of ISBN numbers on success
  public function findBookISBNByTitle($title) {
  $query = "SELECT isbn
  FROM books
  WHERE title LIKE :titlefragment";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  $bindVar = "%$title%";
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":titlefragment", $bindVar, 50);
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  $rows = array();
  while($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC)) {
  $rows[] = $row['ISBN'];
  return $rows;
  * Return a list of books written by a specific author
  * @param mixed $author SOAP Fault on error, on array of ISBN numbers on success
  public function findBookISBNByAuthor($author) {
  $query = "SELECT isbn
  FROM books
  WHERE author = :author";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":author", $author, 50);
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  $rows = array();
  while($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC)) {
  $rows[] = $row['ISBN'];
  return $rows;
  * Return a list of all ISBN numbers in the database
  * @return array An array of ISBN numbers in the database
  public function listAllBooks() {
  $query = "SELECT isbn FROM books";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  $rows = array();
  while($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC)) {
  $rows[] = $row['ISBN'];
  return $rows;
  * Return the details of a specific book by ISBN
  * @param string $isbn The ISBN of the book to retrieve the details on
  * @return mixed SOAP Fault on error, an array of key/value pairs for the ISBN on
  * success
  public function getBookByISBN($isbn) {
  $query = "SELECT *
  FROM books
  WHERE isbn = :isbn";
  $stmt = oci_parse($this->getDB(), $query);
  if(!$stmt) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to prepare query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":isbn", $isbn, 32);
  if(!oci_execute($stmt)) {
  throw new SoapFault(-1, "Failed to execute query (reason: " .
  oci_error($stmt) . ")");
  $row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC);
  return $row;
  < ?php
  require_once 'BookManager.class.php';
  $server = new SoapServer("bookman.wsdl");

PHP 创建 SOAP 客户端

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