开发学院数据库MySQL InnoDB vs MyISAM vs Falcon benchmarks 阅读

InnoDB vs MyISAM vs Falcon benchmarks

 2008-10-17 11:12:09 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Query: SELECT state_id FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %dThis query is similar to previous READ_KEY_POINT with only different the values of ac

Query: SELECT state_id FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d

This query is similar to previous READ_KEY_POINT with only different the values of accessed column is stored in key. MyISAM and InnoDB handle this case and retrive the value only from key.

InnoDB is better by 25-30%.

Falcon needs an access to data beside key access, and most likely this will not be fixed, as this is

specific Falcon's way to handle multi-versioning. I think this is a big weakness of Falcon, as 'using index' is very common optimization we use in our practice.


InnoDB vs MyISAM vs Falcon benchmarks

Query: SELECT state_id FROM $tableName WHERE country_id = %d LIMIT 5

The previous query but with LIMIT.

Again the LIMIT is bad for Falcon.

InnoDB is better than MyISAM by 87% in case with 4 threads but drops down very fast.


InnoDB vs MyISAM vs Falcon benchmarks

Query: SELECT id FROM $tableName WHERE id = %d

Simple but very quick query to retrieve value from PK.

The results for InnoDB and MyISAM are comparable and I think this shows both engines are maximally optimized and the result is maximal that can be reached for this query.

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