2007-11-11 04:42:26 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: ·一个SQL存储过程·经验总结:ASP与存储过程解析·sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台)编写存储过程小工具·如何在SQL存储过程中处理错误·使用C#创建sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台)的存储过程
- ·一个SQL存储过程
·sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台)编写存储过程小工具
·使用C#创建sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台)的存储过程
·收藏几段SQL Server语句和存储过程
·sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台)2000中怎么对存储过程进行
·MySQL(和PHP搭配之最佳组合) 5.0新特性教程 存储过程
出于本文的教学目的,我有意从一个简单的SQLJ程序开始谈起,而没有直接进入更加复杂的内容。 SQLJ的改善执行性能的特点,比如行预取指令和批处理能力,允许SQLJ开发者从多个块中的数据库检索数据行,并把SQL语句成批地发送回数据库中。
我认为SQLJ是一个非常有价值的数据库开发解决方案,将不断的发展和成熟。 Oracle(大型网站数据库平台) 9i最近在SQLJ中引入动态SQL查询语言,这样使“SQLJ是嵌入Java中的静态SQL查询语言”这句话称为了历史。那意味着SQLJ不再需要使用庞大的JDBC代码来处理动态的SQL,因为它可以处理并使用静态的和动态的SQL,而且可以调用象PL/SQL这样的数据库专用程序。
create or replace procedure DeleteClassification (pPeriodName in varchar2: = null, pCommitBatchSize in integer := 10000, pPercentDeleted in integer:= 10) as vPeriodSeq pls_integer; vPeriodStart date; vPeriodEnd date; vBeginIndex pls_integer := 0; vEndIndex pls_integer := 0; vTransactionIdCount integer := 0; vDeletedRows integer := 0; vTotalRows integer := 0; vPercentageDeleted pls_integer := 0; cursor csrPeriodData (pPeriodDescription Period.Description%type) is select PeriodSeq, StartDate, EndDate from Period where Description = pPeriodDescription; type tTransactionId is table of ValidTransaction.TransactionId%type index by binary_integer; vTransactionId tTransactionId; cursor csrTransactToReset (pStartDate IN date, pEndDate IN date) IS select T.TransactionId from ValidTransaction T where T.TransactionDate >= pStartDate and T.TransactionDate <= pEndDate and exists (select '1' from Classification C where C.TransactionId = T.TransactionId); cursor csrClassificationCount is select count(*) from Classification; begin if pPeriodName is null then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20301, 'You must supply a valid period.'); end if; open csrPeriodData(pPeriodName); fetch csrPeriodData into vPeriodSeq, vPeriodStart, vPeriodEnd; if csrPeriodData%notfound then close csrPeriodData; RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20302, 'You must supply a valid period. ' || 'Please use the description field of the period.'); end if; close csrPeriodData; open csrTransactToReset (vPeriodStart, vPeriodEnd); fetch csrTransactToReset bulk collect into vTransactionId; close csrTransactToReset; vTransactionIdCount := vTransactionId.count; if vTransactionIdCount > 0 then open csrClassificationCount; fetch csrClassificationCount into vTotalRows; close csrClassificationCount; while vEndIndex < vTransactionIdCount loop vBeginIndex := vEndIndex + 1; if vEndIndex + pCommitBatchSize < vTransactionIdCount then vEndIndex := vEndIndex + pCommitBatchSize; else vEndIndex := vTransactionIdCount; end if; forall nIndex in vBeginIndex..vEndIndex delete from Classification where TransactionId = vTransactionId(nIndex); vDeletedRows := vDeletedRows + sql%rowcount; commit; end loop; vPercentageDeleted := round((vDeletedRows / vTotalRows) * 100); if vPercentageDeleted >= p_percentDeleted then RebuildIndex('CLASSIFICATION_PK_IND', 'parallel nologging compute statistics'); end if; end if; end DeleteClassification; |
import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import Oracle(大型网站数据库平台).jdbc.driver.Oracle(大型网站数据库平台)Connection; import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext; import sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext; #sql iterator StartEndDate (Timestamp startDate, Timestamp endDate) ; #sql iterator ValidTransactions (Long transactionId) ; #sql iterator ClassificationCount (long) ; public class PipelineReset { public static void DeleteClassification( String periodName, int commitBatchSize, int percentageDeleted) throws SQLException { StartEndDate dateIter; ValidTransactions vtIter; ClassificationCount countIter; Timestamp endDate = null; Timestamp startDate = null; int vCount = 0; long vDeletedRows = 0; long vTotalRows = 0; #sql dateIter = { select startDate, endDate from Period where description = :periodName }; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (dateIter.next()) { startDate = dateIter.startDate(); endDate = dateIter.endDate(); }; dateIter.close(); #sql vtIter = { select T.TransactionId from ValidTransaction T where T.TransactionDate >= :startDate and T.TransactionDate <= :endDate and exists (select '1' from Classification C where C.TransactionId = T.TransactionId) }; fetched from vtIter iterator */ ArrayList vtIdList = new ArrayList(); while (vtIter.next()) { vtIdList.add((Long) vtIter.TransactionId()); } vtIter.close(); ExecutionContext ec = DefaultContext.getDefaultContext().getExecutionContext(); if (vtIdList.size() > 0) { #sql countIter = { select count(*) from Classification }; #sql { fetch : countIter into :vTotalRows }; countIter.close(); Iterator itr = vtIdList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { vCount++; #sql [ec] { delete from Classification where TransactionId = :((Long) itr.next()) }; vDeletedRows = vDeletedRows + ec.getUpdateCount(); if ((vCount % commitBatchSize) == 0) { #sql [ec] { commit }; } } #sql [ec] { commit }; } if ((((float) vDeletedRows / (float) vTotalRows) * 100) >= percentageDeleted ) { #sql [ec] { call RebuildIndex('CLASSIFICATION_PK_IND', 'parallel nologging compute statistics') }; } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Total time : " + ((endTime - startTime) / 1000) + " sec."); } } |