开发学院数据库MSSQL Server SQL Server 2005性能排错(5) 阅读

SQL Server 2005性能排错(5)

 2007-05-15 09:28:24 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 这套存储过程可以用于分析索引的使用。get_indexstatscreate proc dbo.get_indexstats(@dbid smallint=-1,@top varchar(100)=NULL,@columns varchar(500)=NULL,@order varchar



create proc dbo.get_indexstats
(@dbid smallint=-1
,@top varchar(100)=NULL
,@columns varchar(500)=NULL
,@order varchar(100)='lock waits'
,@threshold varchar(500)=NULL)
-- This stored procedure is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
and confers no rights.
-- Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified
at http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm
-- T. Davidson
-- This proc analyzes index statistics including accesses, overhead,
-- locks, blocks, and waits
-- Instructions: Order of execution is as follows:
--(1) truncate indexstats with init_indexstats
--(2) take initial index snapshot using insert_indexstats
--(3) Run workload
--(4) take final index snapshot using insert_indexstats
--(5) analyze with get_indexstats
-- @dbid limits analysis to a database
-- @top allows you to specify TOP n
-- @columns is used to specify what columns from
-- sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats will be included in the report
-- For example, @columns='scans,lookups,waits' will include columns
-- containing these keywords
-- @order used to order results
-- @threshold used to add a threshold,
-- example: @threshold='[block %] > 5' only include if blocking is over 5%
------ definition of some computed columns returned
-- [blk %] = percentage of locks that cause blocks e.g. blk% =
100 * lock waits / locks
-- [index usage] = range_scan_count + singleton_lookup_count + leaf_insert_count
-- [nonleaf index overhead]=nonleaf_insert_count +
nonleaf_delete_count + nonleaf_update_count
-- [avg row lock wait ms]=row_lock_wait_in_ms/row_lock_wait_count
-- [avg page lock wait ms]=page_lock_wait_in_ms/page_lock_wait_count
-- [avg page latch wait ms]=page_latch_wait_in_ms/page_latch_wait_count
-- [avg pageio latch wait ms]=page_io_latch_wait_in_ms/page_io_latch_wait_count
--- Case 1 - only one snapshot of sys.dm_db_operational_index_stats was stored in
--- indexstats. This is an error - return errormsg to user
--- Case 2 - beginning snapshot taken, however some objects were not referenced
--- at the time of the beginning snapshot. Thus, they will not be in the initial
--- snapshot of sys.dm_db_operational_index_stats, use 0 for starting values.
--- Print INFO msg for informational purposes.
--- Case 3 - beginning and ending snapshots, beginning values for all objects and indexes
--- this should be the normal case, especially if SQL Server is up a long time
set nocount on
declare @orderby varchar(100), @where_dbid_is varchar(100), @temp varchar(500),
@threshold_temptab varchar(500)
declare @cmd varchar(max),@col_stmt varchar(500),@addcol varchar(500)
declare @begintime datetime, @endtime datetime, @duration datetime, @mincount int,
@maxcount int
select @begintime = min(now), @endtime = max(now) from indexstats
if @begintime = @endtime
print 'Error: indexstats contains only
1 snapshot of sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats'
print 'Order of execution is as follows: '
print '(1) truncate indexstats with init_indexstats'
print '(2) take initial index snapshot using insert_indexstats'
print '(3) Run workload'
print '(4) take final index snapshot using insert_indexstats'
print '(5) analyze with get_indexstats'
return -99
select @mincount = count(*) from indexstats where now = @begintime
select @maxcount = count(*) from indexstats where now = @endtime
if @mincount < @maxcount
print 'InfoMsg1: sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats only contains entries
for objects referenced since last SQL re-cycle'
print 'InfoMsg2: Any newly referenced objects and indexes captured in
the ending snapshot will use 0 as a beginning value'
select @top = case
when @top is NULL then ''
else lower(@top)
@where_dbid_is = case (@dbid)
when -1 then ''
else ' and i1.database_id = ' + cast(@dbid as varchar(10))
--- thresholding requires a temp table
@threshold_temptab = case
when @threshold is NULL then ''
else ' select * from #t where ' + @threshold
--- thresholding requires temp table, add 'into #t' to select statement
select @temp = case (@threshold_temptab)
when '' then ''
else ' into #t '
select @orderby=case(@order)
when 'leaf inserts' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'leaf deletes' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'leaf updates' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf inserts' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf deletes' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf updates' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf index overhead' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'leaf allocations' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf allocations' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'allocations' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'leaf page merges' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'nonleaf page merges' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'range scans' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'singleton lookups' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'index usage' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'row locks' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'row lock waits' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'block %' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'row lock wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'avg row lock wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'page locks' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'page lock waits' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'page lock wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'avg page lock wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'index lock promotion attempts' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'index lock promotions' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'page latch waits' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'page latch wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'pageio latch waits' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
when 'pageio latch wait ms' then 'order by [' + @order + ']'
else ''
if @orderby <> '' select @orderby = @orderby + ' desc'
'start time'=@begintime,
'end time'=@endtime,
'duration (hh:mm:ss:ms)'=convert(varchar(50),
'Report'=case (@dbid)
when -1 then 'all databases'
else db_name(@dbid)
end +
when @top = '' then ''
when @top is NULL then ''
when @top = 'none' then ''
else ', ' + @top
end +
when @columns = '' then ''
when @columns is NULL then ''
when @columns = 'none' then ''
else ', include only columns containing ' + @columns
end +
when '' then ''
when NULL then ''
when 'none' then ''
else ', ' + @orderby
end +
when @threshold = '' then ''
when @threshold is NULL then ''
when @threshold = 'none' then ''
else ', threshold on ' + @threshold
select @cmd = ' select i2.database_id, i2.object_id, i2.index_id, i2.partition_number '
select @cmd = @cmd +' , begintime=case min(i1.now) when max(i2.now)
then NULL else min(i1.now) end '
select @cmd = @cmd +' , endtime=max(i2.now) '
select @cmd = @cmd +' into #i '
select @cmd = @cmd +' from indexstats i2 '
select @cmd = @cmd +' full outer join '
select @cmd = @cmd +' indexstats i1 '
select @cmd = @cmd +' on i1.database_id = i2.database_id '
select @cmd = @cmd +' and i1.object_id = i2.object_id '
select @cmd = @cmd +' and i1.index_id = i2.index_id '
select @cmd = @cmd +' and i1.partition_number = i2.partition_number '
select @cmd = @cmd +' where i1.now >= ''' + convert(varchar(100),@begintime, 109) + ''''
select @cmd = @cmd +' and i2.now = ''' + convert(varchar(100),@endtime, 109) + ''''
select @cmd = @cmd + ' ' + @where_dbid_is + ' '
select @cmd = @cmd + ' group by i2.database_id, i2.object_id, i2.index_id,
i2.partition_number '
select @cmd = @cmd + ' select ' + @top + ' i.database_id,
db_name=db_name(i.database_id), object=isnull(object_name(i.object_id),
i.object_id), indid=i.index_id, part_no=i.partition_number '
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[leaf inserts]=i2.leaf_insert_count - 
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@cols_containing=@columns,@col_stmt=' ,
[leaf deletes]=i2.leaf_delete_count –
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[leaf updates]=i2.leaf_update_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf inserts]=i2.nonleaf_insert_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf deletes]=i2.nonleaf_delete_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf updates]=i2.nonleaf_update_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf index overhead]=(i2.nonleaf_insert_count –
isnull(i1.nonleaf_insert_count,0)) + (i2.nonleaf_delete_count -
isnull(i1.nonleaf_delete_count,0)) + (i2.nonleaf_update_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[leaf allocations]=i2.leaf_allocation_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf allocations]=i2.nonleaf_allocation_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[allocations]=(i2.leaf_allocation_count -
isnull(i1.leaf_allocation_count,0)) + (i2.nonleaf_allocation_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[leaf page merges]=i2.leaf_page_merge_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[nonleaf page merges]=i2.nonleaf_page_merge_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[range scans]=i2.range_scan_count - isnull(i1.range_scan_count,0)'
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@cols_containing= @columns,
@col_stmt=' ,[singleton lookups]=i2.singleton_lookup_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[index usage]=(i2.range_scan_count -
isnull(i1.range_scan_count,0)) + (i2.singleton_lookup_count -
isnull(i1.singleton_lookup_count,0)) + (i2.leaf_insert_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[row locks]=i2.row_lock_count - isnull(i1.row_lock_count,0)'
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[row lock waits]=i2.row_lock_wait_count -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[block %]=cast (100.0 * (i2.row_lock_wait_count -
isnull(i1.row_lock_wait_count,0)) / (1 + i2.row_lock_count -
isnull(i1.row_lock_count,0)) as numeric(5,2))'
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[row lock wait ms]=i2.row_lock_wait_in_ms -
select @cmd = @cmd + @addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[avg row lock wait ms]=cast ((1.0*(i2.row_lock_wait_in_ms -
isnull(i1.row_lock_wait_in_ms,0)))/(1 + i2.row_lock_wait_count -
isnull(i1.row_lock_wait_count,0)) as numeric(20,1))'
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[page locks]=i2.page_lock_count - isnull(i1.page_lock_count,0)'
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[page lock waits]=i2.page_lock_wait_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[page lock wait ms]=i2.page_lock_wait_in_ms -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[avg page lock wait ms]=cast ((1.0*(i2.page_lock_wait_in_ms -
isnull(i1.page_lock_wait_in_ms,0)))/(1 + i2.page_lock_wait_count -
isnull(i1.page_lock_wait_count,0)) as numeric(20,1))'
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[index lock promotion attempts]=i2.index_lock_promotion_attempt_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[index lock promotions]=i2.index_lock_promotion_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[page latch waits]=i2.page_latch_wait_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[page latch wait ms]=i2.page_latch_wait_in_ms -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[avg page latch wait ms]=cast ((1.0*(i2.page_latch_wait_in_ms -
isnull(i1.page_latch_wait_in_ms,0)))/(1 + i2.page_latch_wait_count -
isnull(i1.page_latch_wait_count,0)) as numeric(20,1))'
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[pageio latch waits]=i2.page_io_latch_wait_count -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[pageio latch wait ms]=i2.page_io_latch_wait_in_ms -
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
exec dbo.add_column
@add_stmt=@addcol out,
@col_stmt=' ,[avg pageio latch wait ms]=cast ((1.0*(i2.page_io_latch_wait_in_ms -
isnull(i1.page_io_latch_wait_in_ms,0)))/(1 + i2.page_io_latch_wait_count -
isnull(i1.page_io_latch_wait_count,0)) as numeric(20,1))'
select @cmd = @cmd +@addcol
select @cmd = @cmd + @temp
select @cmd = @cmd + ' from #i i '
select @cmd = @cmd + ' left join indexstats i1 on i.begintime =
i1.now and i.database_id = i1.database_id and i.object_id =
i1.object_id and i.index_id = i1.index_id and i.partition_number =
i1.partition_number '
select @cmd = @cmd + ' left join indexstats i2 on i.endtime =
i2.now and i.database_id = i2.database_id and i.object_id =
i2.object_id and i.index_id = i2.index_id and i.partition_number =
i2.partition_number '
select @cmd = @cmd + ' ' + @orderby + ' '
select @cmd = @cmd + @threshold_temptab
exec ( @cmd )


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