SQL 2005 对xml 文件与 xml数据的操作
2008-09-06 10:01:49 来源:WEB开发网-----------------------读入第二个表数据--------------------
create table Xmlta(Name nvarchar(20),Nowtime nvarchar(20))
declare @s as nvarchar(4000);
set @s =N'
<Xmltb Name="6" Nowtime="1900-2-1">0</Xmltable>
<Xmlta Name="11" Nowtime="1900-2-1">0</Xmlta>
declare @idHandle as int ;
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idHandle OUTPUT, @s
insert into Xmlta(Name,Nowtime)
select * from openxml(@idHandle,N'/Xmltables/Xmlta')
with dbo.xmlta
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idHandle
select * from Xmlta
drop table Xmlta
create table Xmlta(Name nvarchar(20),Nowtime datetime)
create table Xmltb(Name nvarchar(20),Nowtime datetime)
declare @s as nvarchar(4000);
set @s =N'
<Xmlta Name="1" Nowtime="1900-2-1">0</Xmlta>
<Xmltb Name="2" Nowtime="1900-2-1">0</Xmltb>
--<Xmlta ></Xmlta> 则插入的数据为null
declare @idHandle as int ;
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idHandle OUTPUT, @s
insert into Xmlta(Name,Nowtime)
select * from openxml(@idHandle,N'/Xmltables/Xmlta')
with dbo.Xmlta
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