2008-09-09 10:03:34 来源:WEB开发网----例:表record有620000行,试看在不同的索引下,下面几个 SQL的运行情况:
---- 1.在date上建有一非个群集索引
select count(*) from record where date >
'19991201' and date < '19991214'and amount >
2000 (25秒)
select date,sum(amount) from record group by date
select count(*) from record where date >
'19990901' and place in ('BJ','SH') (27秒)
---- 分析:
---- 2.在date上的一个群集索引select count(*) from record where date >
'19991201' and date < '19991214' and amount >
2000 (14秒)
select date,sum(amount) from record group by date
select count(*) from record where date >
'19990901' and place in ('BJ','SH')(14秒)
---- 分析:
---- 在群集索引下,数据在物理上按顺序在数据页上,重复值也排列在一起,因而在范围查找时,可以先找到这个范围的起末点,且只在这个范围内扫描数据页,避免了大范围扫描,提高了查询速度。
---- 3.在place,date,amount上的组合索引select count(*) from record where date >
'19991201' and date < '19991214' and amount >
2000 (26秒)
select date,sum(amount) from record group by date
select count(*) from record where date >
'19990901' and place in ('BJ, 'SH')(< 1秒)
---- 分析:
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