开发学院数据库DB2 使用DB2look 重新创建优化器访问计划(3) 阅读

使用DB2look 重新创建优化器访问计划(3)

 2007-07-31 16:20:53 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: db2 get db cfg for sample > dbcfg_sample.outDatabase heap (4KB) (DBHEAP) = 600SQL statement heap (4KB) (STMTHEAP) = 2048Number of frequent val
db2 get db cfg for sample > dbcfg_sample.out
Database heap (4KB) (DBHEAP) = 600
SQL statement heap (4KB) (STMTHEAP) = 2048
Number of frequent values retained (NUM_FREQVALUES) = 10
Number of quantiles retained (NUM_QUANTILES) = 20

确保在修改数据库管理器配置(dbm cfg)之后停止并启动该实例。

对于 sample 数据库,按下列方式对 ORG 和 SALES 表运行 runstats:

db2 connect to sample
db2 runstats on table <schema>.org with distribution
and indexes all
db2 runstats on table <schema>.sales with distribution
and indexes all
db2 terminate

现在,通过执行 EXPLAIN.DDL 文件生成 EXPLAIN 表,

该文件在 sqllibmisc 目录下:

db2 connect to sample
db2 -tvf <intall path>EXPLAIN.DDL
db2 terminate

在名为 query.sql 的文件中保存下列命令:

connect to sample
set current explain mode explain
select * from org a, staff b where
a.deptnumb=b.dept and b.dept=15
set current explain mode no


db2 -tvf query.sql


C:>db2 -tvf query.sql
connect to sample
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT 8.2.1
SQL authorization ID = SKAPOOR
Local database alias = SAMPLE
set current explain mode explain
DB20000I The SQL command completed
select * from org a, staff b where
a.deptnumb=b.dept and b.dept=15
SQL0217W The statement was not executed
as only Explain information requests
are being processed. SQLSTATE=01604
set current explain mode no
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
C:>db2 terminate
DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully.

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