雇员工作空间系列: 配置和开发 DB2 Content Manager 8.2 的单点登录 portlet
2008-10-15 16:33:07 来源:WEB开发网为了使用 TConnect.java 中的新 connect() 方法,还需要修改 TListEntities.java 的 main() 函数。下面是新的 main() 方法的代码:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 3) {
"Displays details on types of entities defined on the server. n"
+ "Syntax: n"
+ " java TListEntities <dstype> <server> <ltpaToken> [<entity>] n"
+ "where: n"
+ " <dstype> is the type of server (Fed, ICM, DL, OD, DB2) n"
+ " <server> is the name of the server or database. This can be n"
+ " followed by a connect string in parenthesis. n"
+ " <ltpaToken> is the ltpaToken n"
+ " <entity> optional, the name of a particular entity. Detailed n"
+ " information will be displayed about the entity. n"
+ "Examples: n"
+ " java TListEntities ICM icmnlsdb ltpaToken n"
+ " java TListEntities ICM icmnlsdb ltpaToken 'Document (for Document data model)' n"
+ " java TListEntities DL libsrvrn ltpaToken n"
+ " java TListEntities Fed cmbdb ltpaToken n"
+ " java TListEntities DB2 sample ltpaToken emp_photo n"
+ " java TListEntities OD odserver ltpaToekn n"
+ "where single quotes are used around entity and attribute names that contain spaces");
String dstype = args[0];
String server = args[1];
String ltpaToken = args[2];
String entity = null;
int nextArg = 4;
if (nextArg < args.length && args[nextArg] != null) {
if (args[nextArg].startsWith("'"))
String arg = args[nextArg];
while (nextArg <args.length && !arg.endsWith("'"))
arg += " "+args[nextArg];
entity = arg.substring(1,arg.length()-1);
entity = args[nextArg];
CMBConnection connection = new CMBConnection();
CMBSchemaManagement schemaManagement = connection.getSchemaManagement();
TConnect.connect(connection, dstype, server, ltpaToken);
if (entity == null) {
} else {
printEntityDetails(schemaManagement.getEntity(entity), 1, true);
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