开发学院数据库DB2 将 Siebel 7 电子商务应用程序从 DB2 UDB V8 迁移... 阅读

将 Siebel 7 电子商务应用程序从 DB2 UDB V8 迁移到 DB2 9

 2008-11-20 16:34:24 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: SQLSPCS.1 和 SQLSPCS.2 文件包含表空间信息,并且在迁移过程中会增长为初始大小的四倍,将 Siebel 7 电子商务应用程序从 DB2 UDB V8 迁移到 DB2 9(5),如果这两个文件的总大小是 512KB,那您至少需要 2MB 的自由空间,因此成功完成迁移后可以减

SQLSPCS.1 和 SQLSPCS.2 文件包含表空间信息,并且在迁移过程中会增长为初始大小的四倍。如果这两个文件的总大小是 512KB,那您至少需要 2MB 的自由空间。

确保系统目录和系统临时表空间中具有足够的自由空间。然而,磁盘空间会发生变化,建议您应用下面的原则。将 SYSCATSPACE 和 TEMPSPACE1(这里是默认名称,可以改变)的总大小增加为目前的两倍。对于 SMS 表空间,增加容器文件的大小,而对于 DMS,则要增加额外的容器文件(这将使数据重新进行平衡)。只有进行迁移操作时才需要额外的空间,因此成功完成迁移后可以减少表空间的大小。以下的示例基于 AIX 和 Siebel 77 DB2 数据库,展示了如何确定 SYSCATSPACE 所占的空间大小。

$ db2 list tablespaces show detail
Tablespaces for Current Database
Tablespace ID      = 0
Name         = SYSCATSPACE
Type        = System managed space
Contents        = All permanent data. Regular table space.
State        = 0x0000
  Detailed explanation:
Total pages      = 229882
Useable pages      = 229882
Used pages      = 229882
Free pages      = Not applicable
High water mark (pages)    = Not applicable
Page size (bytes)    = 4096
Extent size (pages)    = 32
Prefetch size (pages)    = 32
Number of containers    = 1
You can see (bold elements are the important for this task) that the SYSCATSPACE tablespace is using 229882 pages x 4096 bytes per page which is about 898 MB.Next, you need to find out where the containers for this tablespace are located.
|-------- XML error: The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|
$ db2 list tablespace containers for 0
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 0
Container ID   = 0
Name    = /V9_FS/sia77u_v9/catalog
Type    = Path
You now need to find out if the free space is at least twice of the used space. 
|-------- XML error: The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|
$ df -k /V9_FS
Filesystem    1024-blocks  Free     %Used  Iused  %Iused  Mounted on
|-------- XML error: The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|
/dev/V9_LV    70909952   67149124    6%   704   1%    /V9_FS
You can see that you have 67GB free space in this file system, which is enough

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