开发学院手机开发Windows Mobile 开发 WindowsMobile.Status命名空间内的SystemProperty... 阅读


 2010-08-23 05:21:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:1xRTT coverage.PhoneActiveCallCountGets the number of active phone calls.PhoneActiveDataCallGets a value indicating whether the phone has an active cellular dat
1xRTT coverage.

PhoneActiveCallCountGets the number of active phone calls.

PhoneActiveDataCallGets a value indicating whether the phone has an active cellular data connection.

PhoneBlockedSimGets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is blocked.

PhoneCallBarringGets a value indicating whether the call barring feature is enabled.

PhoneCallCallingGets a value indicating whether the phone is currently attempting to connect an outgoing call.

PhoneCallForwardingOnLine1Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is enabled on line 1.

PhoneCallForwardingOnLine2Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is currently active on line 2.

PhoneCallOnHoldGets a value indicating whether a phone call is currently on hold.

PhoneCallTalkingGets a value indicating whether there is currently a phone call in the talking state.

PhoneCellBroadcastGets the cell broadcast message

PhoneConferenceCallGets a value indicating whether a conference call is currently in progress.

PhoneGprsCoverageGets a value indicating whether the phone currently has GPRS coverage.

PhoneHomeServiceGets a value indicating whether the phone is currently registered on its home network.

PhoneIncomingCallGets a value indicating whether there is an incoming (ringing) call.

PhoneIncomingCallerContactGets the Contact that matches the Caller ID.

PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyIDGets the CEPROPID of the property that matches the Caller ID, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER.

PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyNameGets the name of the property that matches the Caller ID, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone".

PhoneIncomingCallerNameGets the name of the person who is currently placing the incoming call.

PhoneIncomingCallerNumberGets the incoming call's phone number (Caller

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Tags:WindowsMobile Status 命名

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