Symbian OS S60 3rd platform 开发入门
2010-03-24 03:56:00 来源:WEB开发网Developers often forget to adhere to function naming standards?n particular, make sure any functions that can leave have a trailing "L". (Symbian has developed a simple tool called Leavescan to check this for you?his tool will be covered in the Testing section.)
Do not export inline functions, as this causes problems for dependent components at link time. Inline functions should be declared inline and an implementation should be provided in a separate .inl file.
Some of the application objects in a UI application?or example, the CAknApplication-derived object?re created before the Cleanup Stack. If a leave occurs before the Cleanup Stack is created, then the application will crash.
Developers often forget that their applications may eventually be ported to another language, and restrict descriptor sizes. Make sure that any descriptors that hold user-visible text have space to expand when localized, and that any controls that use such text can resize to fit.
Do not ignore compiler warnings. Although your application may still run, warnings often illustrate instances of bad coding practices.
CFbsBitmap 的 load() 有些时候不好用,比如总是返回错误代码-12。
iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL() 或者
symbian 9 之后出于安全性考虑,引入了Capabilities的概念。比如应用程序需要接入网络,那么该应用程序必须“capability