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Symbian OS C++程序员编码诀窍-系统资源的使用(ROM 和 RAM)

 2010-09-06 08:12:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:API 看上去如下所示:/*** Checks if the free FFS (internal Flash File System) storage* space is or will fall below Critical Level (CL).* The CL and FFS drive letter is d
API 看上去如下所示:

/*** Checks if the free FFS (internal Flash File System) storage

* space is or will fall below Critical Level (CL).

* The CL and FFS drive letter is defined by this module.

* @param aFs File server session.

* Must be given if available in the caller,

* e.g. from EIKON environment.

* If NULL this method will create a temporary session for

* a check, but then the check is more expensive.

* @param aBytesToWrite number of bytes the caller is about to add

* FFS, if known by the caller beforehand.

* The default value 0 checks if the current

* space is already below the CL.

* @return ETrue if storage space would go below CL after adding

* aBytes more data, EFalse otherwise.

* Leaves on error.


IMPORT_C static TBool FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL

( RFs* aFs, TInt aBytesToWrite = 0);

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