开发学院手机开发Symbian 开发 Symbian捕获全局按键的解决方案 阅读


 2010-02-06 20:55:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:// 定义需要捕获的全局按键,这里是Left Arrow,Symbian捕获全局按键的解决方案(3),左方向键const TUint KKeyCode = EKeyLeftArrow;// Capture KNumberOfPressesToCapture key presses// 定义捕获多少次的,这里只定义了3次

// 定义需要捕获的全局按键,这里是Left Arrow,左方向键

const TUint KKeyCode = EKeyLeftArrow;

// Capture KNumberOfPressesToCapture key presses

// 定义捕获多少次的,这里只定义了3次,可以根据需要修改

const TInt KNumberOfPressesToCapture = 3;

// Global Variables

// write all messages to this console

// 用于显示的console,可以根据需要改成别的,不过最好不要用于做违法的事情。

LOCAL_D CConsoleBase* console;

// Local Functions

// 创建按键捕获类的对象capture,并做了一些异常防护工作。然后调用capturer->StartCapturingL()初始化


LOCAL_C void MainL(const TDesC& )


console->Write( _L( "Starting key capturing " ) );

// Create capturer

CGlobalCapturer* capturer = new (ELeave) CGlobalCapturer();

CleanupStack::PushL( capturer );

// And start capturing


// In a real application you should use CActiveSchedulerWait,

// but in this small demo application we know that there is just

// a single inner loop and no CActiveSchedulerWait "protection" is

// needed


// Cleanup. Demo completed

CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( capturer );


// Main function. Is TRAPD outside, in Start()

// 创建用于按键捕获的活动对象调度器然后调用MainL(symbian是多么?嗦的一个系统啊,需要绕这么多圈


LOCAL_C void DoStartL()


// Create active scheduler (to run active objects)

CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler();



// Call main function with command line

// Command line is not really needed for this demo, but

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Tags:Symbian 捕获 全局

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