开发学院手机开发Symbian 开发 Symbian 3rd 开机自启动在后台运行实现 阅读

Symbian 3rd 开机自启动在后台运行实现

 2010-03-10 16:17:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:default properties, icons and caption. Minimally, it must specify the application's UID and the name of the application’s executable.3、Application propertie
default properties, icons and caption. Minimally, it must specify the application's UID and the name of the application’s executable.

3、Application properties【APP_REGISTRATION_INFO】

The following properties can be defined in registration files. In C++ they can be retrieved using the RApaLsSession class.

Note that not all of these are supported by every UI.


An application can have one of the following attributes: KAppEmbeddable, KAppNotEmbeddable, or KAppEmbeddableOnly. The other listed values (KAppEmbeddableUiOrStandAlone and KAppEmbeddableUiNotStandAlone) are not used. The default value is KAppNotEmbeddable. Embeddable applications appear in lists of embeddable applications, see for example RApaLsSession::GetEmbeddableApps(). A file with the property KAppEmbeddableOnly appears in the embeddable list, but not in the shell or application launcher.

Notes: document embedding may not be not supported by all UIs, the embeddable and embeddable-only properties should only be set for

file-based applications, in other words, applications that create embeddable documents.


Hidden applications run in the background. They are not shown to the user and do not appear in the application launcher or in the embeddable applications list.

The default value is KAppNotHidden.


This property indicates whether the application is document-based and supports the creation of new files.

The default value is KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile.


Indicates whether the application will be launched in the foreground so that it takes focus, or in the background.

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Tags:Symbian rd 开机

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