Symbian 开发入门之 framework
2010-03-24 17:28:00 来源:WEB开发网3. If the application has a DLL component, freeze the exports.
If an application contains a DLL component this step must be performed, otherwise it can be skipped. In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:
abld freeze
This will ensure that the exports are frozen. Then enter the following command (repeated from step 2):
abld build wins udeb
This will build against the newly frozen interface..
3. Running the application on the emulator
To run the application on the emulator, carry out the following steps:
1. Run the emulator.
From a command window, run the command
to launch the debug emulator, or
epoc -rel
to launch the release emulator. The emulator window will appear.
2. Find the application folder.
When the emulator has started, a set of applications and folders will appear. Find the Other folder.
3. Run the application.
Select the Other folder, and then select the relevant application icon. This will run the application.
4. Running the application from Visual C++
The emulator can also be run from Microsoft Visual C++. This can be useful when modifying or debugging the application.
Create the Visual C++ workspace and project files.
In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:
abld makefile vc6
This will create the Visual C++ project files in a subdirectory of the %EPOCROOT%epoc32Build'''' directory, where %EPOCROOT% is the pathname of the emulator root; e.g. Symbian6.0NokiaCPP
(在我使用的siemens SX1中目录为Q:SiemensSX1in )
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