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apple cocoa内存管理笔记

 2010-12-19 07:19:24 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:id delegate;}@end拷贝后的内存位置图如下:假设从supercalass继承了NSCopying,但是父类没有实现NSCopying,apple cocoa内存管理笔记(2),那么你要实现的话必须拷贝super的实例,同样包括自己声明的变量,并且在你的类中你声明了一些实例变量,那么你必须实现copyWit

id delegate;





init..., and set methods


如果类没有继承NSCopying的行为,那么实现copyWithZone: using alloc,init..., and set methods.下面是一个例子

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone


Product *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone: zone]

initWithProductName:[self productName]

price:[self price]];

[copy setDelegate:[self delegate]];

return copy;


有些继承了NSCopying behavior的类,但是他们的super类的实现可能使用了 NSCopyObject function. NSCopyObject creates an exact shallow copy of an object

by copying instance variable values but not the data they point to. 举个例子, NSCell类采用如下的方式实现copyWithZone

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone


NSCell *cellCopy = NSCopyObject(self, 0, zone);

/* Assume that other initialization takes place here. */

cellCopy->image = nil;

[cellCopy setImage:[self image]];

return cellCopy;



对可变长度的对象的拷贝实现 ,要继承NSMutableCopying

Core Foundation Objects in Cocoa中的内存管理

Core Foundation's memory allocation policy is that you need to release values returned by functions with “Copy” or “Create” in their name; you should not release values returned by functions that do not have “Copy” or “Create” in their name.


NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters: ...]; ... [str release];

is equivalent to

Tags:apple cocoa 内存

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