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Android Service 笔记

 2010-08-22 04:47:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:itself. In this mode, it's started by calling Context.startService() and stopped by calling Context.stopService(). It can stop itself by calling Service.sto
itself. In this mode, it's started by calling Context.startService() and stopped by calling Context.stopService(). It can stop itself by calling Service.stopSelf() or Service.stopSelfResult(). Only one stopService() call is needed to stop the service, no matter how many times startService() was called.

2、It can be operated programmatically using an interface that it defines and exports. Clients establish a connection to the Service object and use that connection to call into the service. The connection is established by calling Context.bindService(), and is closed by calling Context.unbindService(). Multiple clients can bind to the same service. If the service has not already been launched, bindService() can optionally launch it.


你应该实现Service的方法( they are public):

void onCreate()

void onStart(Intent intent)

void onDestroy()


1、Service的完全生命时间(entire lifetime)是指从调用onCreate()开始到onDestroy()返回的这段时间。Service在onCreate()中进行初始化,在onDestroy()中释放资源。

2、Service的活动生命时间(active lifetime)从onStart()开始,onStart()会处理从startService()方法传递过来的Intent对象。



The onCreate() and onDestroy() methods are called for all services, whether they're started by Context.startService() or Context.bindService(). However, onStart() is called only for services started by startService().


IBinder onBind(Intent intent)

boolean onUnbind(Intent intent)

void onRebind(Intent intent)


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