Android 设计思想
2010-06-17 03:29:00 来源:WEB开发网Instead of spawning Activities directly from the background, you should instead use the NotificationManager to set Notifications. These will appear in the status bar, and the user can then click on them at his leisure, to see what your application has to show him.
(Note that all this doesn’t apply to cases where your own Activity is already in the foreground: in that case, the user expects to see your next Activity in response to input.)
If your application needs to perform some expensive or long-running computation, you should probably move it to a thread. This will prevent the dreaded “Application Not Responding” dialog from being displayed to the user, with the ultimate result being the fiery demise of your application.
By default, all code in an Activity as well as all its Views runs in the same thread. This is the same thread that also handles UI events. For example, when the user presses a key, a key-down event is added to the Activity’s main thread’s queue. The event handler system needs to dequeue and handle that event quickly; if it doesn’t, the system concludes after a few seconds that the application is hung and offers to kill it for the user.
If you have long-running code, running it inline in your Activity will run