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 2010-05-31 14:53:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:test for various configuration aspects, or you could // use a Mock Context to confirm that your activity has made certain calls to the system // and set itself
test for various configuration aspects, or you could // use a Mock Context to confirm that your activity has made certain calls to the system // and set itself up properly. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnPause(activity); // At this point you could confirm that the activity has paused properly, as if it is // no longer the topmost activity on screen. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnStop(activity); // At this point, you could confirm that the activity has shut itself down appropriately, // or you could use a Mock Context to confirm that your activity has released any system // resources it should no longer be holding. // ActivityUnitTestCase.tearDown(), which is always automatically called, will take care // of calling onDestroy(). } }

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Tags:Android 单元

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