开发学院手机开发Android 开发 Android Intent 解释 阅读

Android Intent 解释

 2010-05-31 14:49:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:1. //传送附件2. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);3. it.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "The email subject text");4. it.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STRE

1. //传送附件

2. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);

3. it.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "The email subject text");

4. it.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, "file:///sdcard/mysong.mp3");

5. sendIntent.setType("audio/mp3");

6. startActivity(Intent.createChooser(it, "Choose Email Client"));


Uri uri = Uri.parse("file:///sdcard/song.mp3");

Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);



Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(MediaStore.Audio.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, "1");

Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);


Market 相关

1. //寻找某个应用

2. Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://search?q=pname:pkg_name");

3. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

4. startActivity(it);

5. //where pkg_name is the full package path for an application

1. //显示某个应用的相关信息

2. Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=app_id");

3. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

4. startActivity(it);

5. //where app_id is the application ID, find the ID

6. //by clicking on your application on Market home

7. //page, and notice the ID from the address bar

Uninstall 应用程序

1. Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("package", strPackageName, null);

2. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, uri);

3. startActivity(it);

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