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android listView 中存在editView chetxBox等点击事件处理

 2010-05-24 16:32:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:* a TextView and an ImageView.* @author poss3x*/public class ClickableListItemActivity extends ListActivity {/*** Our data class. This data will be bound to* My

* a TextView and an ImageView.

* @author poss3x


public class ClickableListItemActivity extends ListActivity {


* Our data class. This data will be bound to

* MyViewHolder, which in turn is used for the

* ListView.


static class MyData {

public MyData(String t, boolean e) {

text = t;

enable = e;


String text;

boolean enable;



* Our very own holder referencing the view elements

* of our ListView layout


static class MyViewHolder extends ViewHolder {

public MyViewHolder(TextView t, ImageView i) {

text = t;

icon = i;


TextView text;

ImageView icon;



* The implementation of ClickableListAdapter


private class MyClickableListAdapter extends ClickableListAdapter {

public MyClickableListAdapter(Context context, int viewid,

List objects) {

super(context, viewid, objects);

// nothing to do


protected void bindHolder(ViewHolder h) {

// Binding the holder keeps our data up to date.

// In contrast to createHolder this method is called for all items

// So, be aware when doing a lot of heavy stuff here.

// we simply transfer our object’s data to the list item representatives

MyViewHolder mvh = (MyViewHolder) h;

MyData mo = (MyData)mvh.data;


mo.enable ? ClickableListItemActivity.this.mIconEnabled

: ClickableListItemActivity.this.mIconDisabled);




protected ViewHolder createHolder(View v) {

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