Android TTS 应用
2010-03-24 03:48:00 来源:WEB开发网Start Eclipse. Go to "File" > "New Project" > "Project..." and choose "Android Project" under "Android". Fill out the information and click "Finish" to generate the skeleton for a project. The rest of this tutorial assumes that you named your application "HelloWorldTTS".
Select your project in the "Package Explorer", then go to "Project" > "Properties". Select "Java Build Path" and click on the "Libraries" tab. Click on "Add external JARs..." and select the TTS_library_stub.jar from step 1.
You should see two Java files in your project: and Open and do the following: -In the imports section at the top of the file, add this line:
-After the line "public class HelloWorldTTS extends Activity {", add this line:
private TTS myTts;
-Add the following as the last line of the onCreate method:
myTts = new TTS(this, ttsInitListener, true);
-After the onCreate method, add these lines:
private TTS.InitListener ttsInitListener = new TTS.InitListener() {
public void onInit(int version) {
myTts.speak("Hello world", 0, null);
private TTS.InitListener ttsInitListener = new TTS.InitListener() {
public void onInit(int version) {
myTts.speak("Hello world", 0, null);
Now you should have a that looks something like this.
Build this app, install it on your Android device, and run it. You should hear the TTS say "hello world" if you have the TTS library installed on the phone and your SD card contains the needed voice data files.
If you do not have the TTS library installed on the phone, you will be