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向 Android 模拟器打电话和发短消息

 2010-04-21 06:39:00 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注龙振升的微博
核心提示:cancel disconnect an inbound or outbound phone calldata modify data connection statevoice modify voice connection statestatus display GSM statussmsallows you to

cancel disconnect an inbound or outbound phone call

data modify data connection state

voice modify voice connection state

status display GSM status


allows you to simulate an inbound SMS

available sub-commands:

send send inbound SMS text message

pdu send inbound SMS PDU


gsm call 13908888888

sms send 13908888888 "this is a test sms!"

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Tags:Android 模拟器 打电话

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