2010-06-03 16:04:00 来源:WEB开发网< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" / >
< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" / >
< /manifest >
Only the INTERNET permission is required. Setting READ_PHONE_STATE is highly recommended because it identifies the user letting a greater variety of more relevant ads be chosen. Finally setting ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION (and/or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) will let geo-targeted ads be shown.
The attrs.xml file specifies custom AdView attributes in XML layout files. If your application does not already have an/res/values/attrs.xml file then create one and copy-and-paste the following into it. If you do have that file then just add the declare-styleable element:
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? >
< resources >
< declare-styleable name="" >
< attr name="testing" format="boolean" / >
< attr name="backgroundColor" format="color" / >
< attr name="textColor" format="color" / >
< attr name="keywords" format="string" / >
< attr name="refreshInterval" format="integer" / >
< attr name="isGoneWithoutAd" format="boolean" / >
< /declare-styleable >
< /resources >
4、Placing an AdView in a Layout
AdView widgets can be put into any XML layout now. The first step is to reference attrs.xml in your layout element by adding an xmlns line that includes your package name specified in AndroidManifest.xml:
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? >
< LinearLayout