开发学院网页设计JavaScript 高级 jQuery:让好的应用程序变成强大的应用程序 阅读

高级 jQuery:让好的应用程序变成强大的应用程序

 2010-01-14 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 用 jQuery 设置小部件以上的一小段 HTML 直接引入了这部分内容,本小节关注如何在 jQuery 中设置小部件,高级 jQuery:让好的应用程序变成强大的应用程序(10),以及所需的所有代码,要将事件附加到页面元素或在特定情况下需要添加类时, 让我们遵循我曾用 jQuery 设置小部件

用 jQuery 设置小部件

以上的一小段 HTML 直接引入了这部分内容,本小节关注如何在 jQuery 中设置小部件,以及所需的所有代码。要将事件附加到页面元素或在特定情况下需要添加类时,通常需要这样做。有时候还需要更进一步。这些小部件的所有设置代码都是 jQuery 代码。我可以提供关于角色分离的理论,让 HTML 设计师和 JavaScript 程序员各自完成自己的工作,但是您们可能已经多次听到这种陈词。在这里我仅添加另一样东西,即 “类修饰”,这是很多插件创作者都使用的。看看清单 8 中的 HTML 代码,仅通过将一个 percentSort 类添加到表,您就可以显著改变表的功能和外观。这是小部件设计的目标,让添加和删除小部件就像向小部件添加类一样简单。

让我们遵循我曾用 jQuery 设置小部件的几个步骤。通过查看这些步骤,您可以看到清单 9 中的设计模式是如何出现的。

清单 9. jQuery 小部件代码

$(document).ready(function() { 
 // the first step is to find all the tables on the page with 
 // a class of percentSort. These are all the tables we want to 
 // convert into our widget. 
 // After we find them, we need to loop through them and take some 
 // actions on them 
 // At the conclusion of this block of code, each table that's going to 
 // be a percentSort widget will have been transformed 
   // each table needs a unique ID, for namespace issues (discussed later) 
   // we can simply create a uniqueID from the loop counter 
   $(this).attr("id", "percentSort-"+i); 
   // within each table, let's highlight every other row in the table, to 
   // give it that "zebra" look 
   $(this).find("tbody > tr").filter(":odd").addClass("highlight"); 
   // because each table needs to show the "Total" to the user, let's create a new 
   // section of the table in the footer. We'll add a row in the table footer 
   // to display the words "Total" and a span for the updated count. 
   $("#"+$(this).attr("id") + " tfoot") 
     <span></span> %</td></tr>"); 
   // finally, let's add the CLASS of "percentTotal" to the span we just 
   // created above. We'll use this information later to display 
   // the updated totals 
   $("#"+$(this).attr("id") + " tfoot span").addClass("percentTotal"); 
 // now the second step, after we've completed setting up the tables themselves 
 // is to set up the individual table rows. 
 // We can similarly sort through each of them, taking the appropriate actions 
 // on each of them in turn. 
 // Upon completion of this block of code, each row in each table will be 
 // transformed for our widget 
 $("table.percentSort tbody > tr").each(function(i){ 
   // get the namespace (to be discussed in the next section) 
   var NAMESPACE = $(this).parents("table.percentSort").attr("id"); 
   // attach a unique ID to this row. We can use the loop counter 
   // to ensure the ID is unique on the page (which is a must on every page) 
   $(this).attr("id", "row"+i); 
   // now, within this row of the table, we need to find the text input, because 
   // we need to attach a class to them. We utilize the namespace, and also 
   // find the :text within the table row, and then attach the correct class 
   $("#"+$(this).attr("id") + " :text").addClass("percent"); 
   // Finally, we attach a unique ID to each of the text inputs, and we do this by 
   // making it a combination of the table name and the row name. 
   $("#"+$(this).attr("id") + " .percent"). 
        attr("id", NAMESPACE + "-" + $(this).attr("id")); 
 // Finally, because we know we only want numerical inputs, we restrict the text entry 
 // to just numbers. We must do this now, because up until this point, the page 
 // contained no elements with the CLASS "percent" 

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Tags:高级 jQuery 应用程序

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