使用 jQuery 在浏览器中处理 XML
2010-01-20 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网
清单 8. (home.js)主页 Web 提要显示的应用程序代码/*
var ATOM_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom';
function xml_ready(result){
var xml = result.responseXML;
//Make sure the target area for inserting data is clear
$(xml).find('*').ns_filter(ATOM_NS, 'entry').each(function(){
var title_elem = $(this).find('*').ns_filter(ATOM_NS, 'title').clone();
var link_text = $(this).find('[rel="alternate"]')
.ns_filter(ATOM_NS, 'link')
var summary_elem = $(this).find('*').ns_filter(ATOM_NS, 'summary').clone();
//Deal with the case of a missing title
if (!title_elem.text()){
title_elem = '[No title]';
//Deal with the case where rel='alternate' is omitted
if (!link_text){
link_text = $(this).find('*')
.ns_filter(ATOM_NS, 'link')
//Update the target area with the entry information
$('<a href="' + link_text + '"></a>')
.append(' - ')
.fadeIn('slow') //bonus animation
}); //close each(