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ExtJs Grid 合计 [Ext | GridPanel | GridSummary]

 2010-09-14 13:45:37 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 2.实现统计功能的 GroupSummary.js,本代码来源于 http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21331,ExtJs Grid 合计 [Ext | GridPanel | GridSummary](2),这里没有用自带例子里面的Group

2.      实现统计功能的 GroupSummary.js,本代码来源于 http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21331。这里没有用自带例子里面的GroupSummary.js,因为在我这边报错。


Ext.ux.grid.GridSummary = function(config) {
        Ext.apply(this, config);

Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.GridSummary, Ext.util.Observable, {
    init : function(grid) {
        this.grid = grid;
        this.cm = grid.getColumnModel();
        this.view = grid.getView();

        var v = this.view;

        // override GridView's onLayout() method
        v.onLayout = this.onLayout;

        v.afterMethod('render', this.refreshSummary, this);
        v.afterMethod('refresh', this.refreshSummary, this);
        v.afterMethod('syncScroll', this.syncSummaryScroll, this);
        v.afterMethod('onColumnWidthUpdated', this.doWidth, this);
        v.afterMethod('onAllColumnWidthsUpdated', this.doAllWidths, this);
        v.afterMethod('onColumnHiddenUpdated', this.doHidden, this);

        // update summary row on store's add/remove/clear/update events
            add: this.refreshSummary,
            remove: this.refreshSummary,
            clear: this.refreshSummary,
            update: this.refreshSummary,
            scope: this

        if (!this.rowTpl) {
            this.rowTpl = new Ext.Template(
                '<div class="x-grid3-summary-row x-grid3-gridsummary-row-offset">',
                    '<table class="x-grid3-summary-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="{tstyle}">',
            this.rowTpl.disableFormats = true;

        if (!this.cellTpl) {
            this.cellTpl = new Ext.Template(
                '<td class="x-grid3-col x-grid3-cell x-grid3-td-{id} {css}" style="{style}">',
                    '<div class="x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-{id}" unselectable="on" {attr}>{value}</div>',
            this.cellTpl.disableFormats = true;

    calculate : function(rs, cm) {
        var data = {}, cfg = cm.config;
        for (var i = 0, len = cfg.length; i < len; i++) { // loop through all columns in ColumnModel
            var cf = cfg[i], // get column's configuration
                cname = cf.dataIndex; // get column dataIndex

            // initialise grid summary row data for
            // the current column being worked on
            data[cname] = 0;

            if (cf.summaryType) {
                for (var j = 0, jlen = rs.length; j < jlen; j++) {
                    var r = rs[j]; // get a single Record
                    data[cname] = Ext.ux.grid.GridSummary.Calculations[cf.summaryType](r.get(cname), r, cname, data, j);

        return data;

    onLayout : function(vw, vh) {
        if (Ext.type(vh) != 'number') { // handles grid's height:'auto' config
        // note: this method is scoped to the GridView
        if (!this.grid.getGridEl().hasClass('x-grid-hide-gridsummary')) {
            // readjust gridview's height only if grid summary row is visible
            this.scroller.setHeight(vh - this.summary.getHeight());

    syncSummaryScroll : function() {
        var mb = this.view.scroller.dom;

        this.view.summaryWrap.dom.scrollLeft = mb.scrollLeft;
        this.view.summaryWrap.dom.scrollLeft = mb.scrollLeft; // second time for IE (1/2 time first fails, other browsers ignore)

    doWidth : function(col, w, tw) {
        var s = this.view.summary.dom;

        s.firstChild.style.width = tw;
        s.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[col].style.width = w;

    doAllWidths : function(ws, tw) {
        var s = this.view.summary.dom, wlen = ws.length;

        s.firstChild.style.width = tw;

        var cells = s.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes;

        for (var j = 0; j < wlen; j++) {
            cells[j].style.width = ws[j];

    doHidden : function(col, hidden, tw) {
        var s = this.view.summary.dom,
            display = hidden ? 'none' : '';

        s.firstChild.style.width = tw;
        s.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[col].style.display = display;

    renderSummary : function(o, cs, cm) {
        cs = cs || this.view.getColumnData();
        var cfg = cm.config,
            buf = [],
            last = cs.length - 1;

        for (var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) {
            var c = cs[i], cf = cfg[i], p = {};

            p.id = c.id;
            p.style = c.style;
            p.css = i == 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '');

            if (cf.summaryType || cf.summaryRenderer) {
                p.value = (cf.summaryRenderer || c.renderer)(o.data[c.name], p, o);
            } else {
                p.value = '';
            if (p.value == undefined || p.value === "") p.value = "-";
            buf[buf.length] = this.cellTpl.apply(p);

        return this.rowTpl.apply({
            tstyle: 'width:' + this.view.getTotalWidth() + ';',
            cells: buf.join('')

    refreshSummary : function() {
        var g = this.grid, ds = g.store,
            cs = this.view.getColumnData(),
            cm = this.cm,
            rs = ds.getRange(),
            data = this.calculate(rs, cm),
            buf = this.renderSummary({data: data}, cs, cm);

        if (!this.view.summaryWrap) {
            this.view.summaryWrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(this.view.scroller, {
                tag: 'div',
                cls: 'x-grid3-gridsummary-row-inner'
            }, true);
        this.view.summary = this.view.summaryWrap.update(buf).first();

    toggleSummary : function(visible) { // true to display summary row
        var el = this.grid.getGridEl();

        if (el) {
            if (visible === undefined) {
                visible = el.hasClass('x-grid-hide-gridsummary');
            el[visible ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('x-grid-hide-gridsummary');

            this.view.layout(); // readjust gridview height

    getSummaryNode : function() {
        return this.view.summary
Ext.reg('gridsummary', Ext.ux.grid.GridSummary);

 * all Calculation methods are called on each Record in the Store
 * with the following 5 parameters:
 * v - cell value
 * record - reference to the current Record
 * colName - column name (i.e. the ColumnModel's dataIndex)
 * data - the cumulative data for the current column + summaryType up to the current Record
 * rowIdx - current row index
Ext.ux.grid.GridSummary.Calculations = {
    sum : function(v, record, colName, data, rowIdx) {
        return data[colName] + Ext.num(v, 0);

    count : function(v, record, colName, data, rowIdx) {
        return rowIdx + 1;

    max : function(v, record, colName, data, rowIdx) {
        return Math.max(Ext.num(v, 0), data[colName]);

    min : function(v, record, colName, data, rowIdx) {
        return Math.min(Ext.num(v, 0), data[colName]);

    average : function(v, record, colName, data, rowIdx) {
        var t = data[colName] + Ext.num(v, 0), count = record.store.getCount();
        return rowIdx == count - 1 ? (t / count) : t;

Tags:ExtJs Grid 合计

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