eMule 0.49c Tombstone v2.0 发布了
2010-04-05 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网Changelog Beta5:
Fixed missing ModFaker entry in stats [reported by SS1900]
Fixed exception in ProcessSourceRequest [reported by jerryBG]
Move some CA functions to CA member functions, also cleaned up some codeparts
Changelog Beta4:
Fixed a possible bug in new ProcessSourceRequest function, also cleaned it up
Modthieves won't get the Tombstone icon, now [requested by jerryBG]
Changelog Beta3:
We don't ask servers for their serverlist if we do not actually need it (WiZaRd)
Added a basic workaround for the following issue: there are some clients out there that punish nickchanges and a
CA client might run into trouble during chat sessions (that is: getting banned/punished due to the antinickthief feature) [reported by jerryBG]
Changelog Beta2:
Clientanalyzer now includes "ModFaker" detection (zz_fly - thanks to taz for the diff and the suggestion)
"Misc GPLEvilDoer" checks are now included to punish the AJ default nick/mod users (WiZaRd)
Changelog Beta1:
Tombstone is now based upon eMule v0.49c including all important updates/fixes that version offers
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support ONLY - NOTHING MORE!
That's the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA.
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