2010-03-26 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾剧懓顪冪€n亜顒㈡い鎰Г閹便劌顫滈崱妤€骞婄紓鍌氬€瑰銊╁箟缁嬫鍚嬮柛顐線缂冩洟姊婚崒娆戭槮婵犫偓闁秵鎯為幖娣妼缁愭鏌″搴′簽濞戞挸绉甸妵鍕冀椤愵澀娌梺缁樻尪閸庣敻寮婚敐澶婂嵆闁绘劖绁撮崑鎾诲捶椤撴稑浜炬慨妯煎亾鐎氾拷

Private Sub Score_Statistic(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer)
Dim grade(3) As Single, total As Single
With ThisDocument.Tables.Item(1)
If Len(Trim(.Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Text)) = 2 Then '缺考
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = "缺考"
grade(1) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Text) '平时成绩
grade(2) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Text) '实验成绩
grade(3) = -1
total = -1
Else '不缺考
grade(1) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Text) '平时成绩
grade(2) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Text) '实验成绩
grade(3) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Text) '期末成绩
If exam_or_check Then '考试
total = IIf(grade(3) < 45, grade(3), Round((grade(1) * proportion(1) + grade(2) * proportion(2) + grade(3) * proportion(3)) / 100, 0))
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = total
Else '考查
total = Round((grade(1) * proportion(1) + grade(2) * proportion(2) + grade(3) * proportion(3)) / 100, 0)
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = IIf(total >= 90, "优", IIf(total >= 80, "良", IIf(total >= 70, "中", IIf(total >= 60, "及格", IIf(total >= 0, "不及格", "")))))
End If
End If
.Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(1) >= 0 And grade(1) < 60, True, False)
.Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(2) >= 0 And grade(2) < 60, True, False)
.Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 60, True, False)
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(total >= 0 And total < 60, True, False)
If exam_or_check Then
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = IIf(grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 45, wdColorGray20, wdColorWhite)
.Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorWhite
End If
Select Case total
Case Is >= 90 '优秀
grade_proportion(1, 1) = grade_proportion(1, 1) + 1
Case Is >= 80 '良好
grade_proportion(1, 2) = grade_proportion(1, 2) + 1
Case Is >= 70 '中等
grade_proportion(1, 3) = grade_proportion(1, 3) + 1
Case Is >= 60 '及格
grade_proportion(1, 4) = grade_proportion(1, 4) + 1
Case Is >= 0 '不及格
grade_proportion(1, 5) = grade_proportion(1, 5) + 1
Case Else '缺考
grade_proportion(1, 6) = grade_proportion(1, 6) + 1
End Select
If exam_or_check Then
If grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 45 Then
grade_proportion(1, 7) = grade_proportion(1, 7) + 1
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function Convert_Int(ByRef Txt As String) As Integer
Dim Score As String * 1
If Asc(Txt) > 0 Then '数字
Convert_Int = Val(Txt)
Score = Txt
Convert_Int = IIf(Score = "优", 95, IIf(Score = "良", 85, IIf(Score = "中", 75, IIf(Score = "及", 65, 55))))
End If
End Function
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Dim exam_or_check As Boolean
Dim grade_proportion(2, 7) As Single
Dim proportion(3) As Integer
Private Const Message_Title = "江苏技术师范学院学生成绩登记系统"